朋友在申請新工作,已經過關斬將到最後一步了,對方要求一定要交最後兩年的工資證明。問題是朋友曾在一家公司以H1工作幾年,後因為公司變動,轉為consultant, 從而失去H1, 轉為H4,但幾個月後,公司接到project,要求朋友回去,由於project急於開始,朋友在公司給辦H1的過程中開始上班(就是說在H1 pending 時工作), 但H1申請還沒拿到,project就結束了,H1的申請也就撤銷了。 不過,這段工作的合同是與公司的中國分公司簽的,工資也是以人民幣發到國內銀行賬戶的。
-Why does he need to tell the new employer? It is irrelevant to the new job or new H1 status. As long as the old employer did not report the income to IRS (not W2 form), he is safe. If the income was reported IRS, he had better go to China to get the H1 or H4 visa to come back to clear the record.