回複:8老師, 請再問關於arrest record

回答: 8老師, 請再問關於arrest recordcstaker2012-04-27 21:15:46

Thank you so much for answering my question.I posted again because my first one is too below.

今天我跟公司的律師談了, Fragmon 的律師, 他告訴我情況很嚴重, 因為我沒有在485申請上填寫YES FOR ARREST RECORD.他說他要收 $750 for just reviewing the document from police department, 然後他再會告訴我下一步該怎麽辦. 我要讓他辦下去麽 ? 或者我就等到收到interview notice再說?

-You worry too much. The lawyer just wants more money. The interview is very normal to the I-485 applicant and you had better wait for the notice (it is possible the interview is not related to your arrest). I don't think your arrest (very small case)is serious to hurt your I-485 even if you forgot to indicate it in your I-485 (your unintentional mistake). Just collect all the documents and explain it to the IO if he/she asks during the interview and I don't think they will deny your I-485 only based on your unintention mistake. Just think about it: if it is serious, USCIS may deny your case directly and not need interview.

At the worst, if your I-485 is denied, you still can file motion to reopen/reconsideration to argue it based on the denial reason ((then, you can hire a lawyer at that time).
