-Not big 壞處 as long as your employer will sponsor your H1 if the I-485 is denied and thus, you just go to China to get the H1 visa to come back in this case.
如果485被拒,out of status 應該從使用EAD那天開始算
還是從485 deny的那天開始算呢?
小弟現在在學校H1b,但是可能有個工業界的機會,但是公司不sponse h1B,所以如果要take的話需要使用EAD。小弟現在比較糾結這個問題。失去了這個機會將來就很難說有沒有更好的機會。但是EB2排期倒退了很多,也不知道要等多久485才會有結果(我的PD是09的)
-Then, if your I-485 is denied, you have to find another employer who agrees to sponsor your H1。 Of course, if your job is secure until you get the green card, you don't need to worry abouit using EAD.