Is it too late to quit the part-time job? and let the school tell the officer that actually he quitted long time ago, however we forgot to withdraw the H1-B????
Thank you Master 8!
Is it too late to quit the part-time job? and let the school tell the officer that actually he quitted long time ago, however we forgot to withdraw the H1-B????
Thank you Master 8!
回複:What kind of TROUBLE? Please help and clarify it!
(941 bytes)
04/03/2012 postreply
I was disqualified to be employed based on University's RULES
(336 bytes)
04/03/2012 postreply
回複:I was disqualified to be employed based on University's RULES
(522 bytes)
04/03/2012 postreply
I was under too much pressure already!
(308 bytes)
04/03/2012 postreply
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