回複:May I ask what kind of job

來源: needhelph4 2003-11-01 10:01:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (695 bytes)
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回答: 回複:回複:回複:needhelph42003-10-31 19:57:00
I am a researcher working for a prestigious company. I knew that I couldn’t avoid security check. But the VO assumed that I tried to hide my duel status. (I485 pending). After I pointed out that I marked clearely on the application form that my company had already applied immigration visa for me, he had to shut up. But he insisted that I was not qualified for H1 visa. I said that if it was my right to do so, he should issue me the visa. He went to consult his boss (god knows whether he did or not, reminds me of Seinfield) and came back to me later. According to him, his boss knew immigration law well blah blah, and boss said no. Well, talking about bureaucracy and professional training.



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