8老師,本人3月初就要發出I-751兩年綠卡轉正了。我2010年收到臨時綠卡後搬過一次家,在10天內按照規定在USCIS網站上進行了地址更新(AR-11)並清楚的記得當時網上有一個confirmation number。由於一時疏忽,沒有將此confirmation打印出來。
-It is true unless you update your case address at the same time when you file AR-11 online to update your living address and then, you had better call them to make sure they have updated your case communication address. When you file I-751 later, you just use your new address and then, all the correspondents will be sent to your new address.
有沒有必要申請infopass 當麵核實?