回複:回複:回複:急問8老師 在線等

回答: 回複:回複:急問8老師 在線等wan4562012-02-20 12:30:54

您的回複太及時了 多謝! 我隻是覺得有點confused,當時我filed是I-485,按道理講一旦收到綠卡,那個case就已經close了。I-751是一個新的case,為什麽USCIS會把這兩個cases聯係起來呢? 我當時也想打電話confirm,可是認為I-485的case已經不屬於pending case了。您能解釋一下嗎?

-Beacuse your green card is conditional, they may not consider your case be closed yet and they just remember you to file I-751. Not hurt you to calll them. Then, just use your new address to your I-751 filing and that will be fine.
