回複:8 老師, Pijiang 老師: 急急問485填表_車禍引起的傳票


不幸的是,我碰的車主(一個黑人婦女)半年後把我搞到了法庭,說由於我的粗心駕駛發生了車禍,影響到了她的脊椎等,照成看病醫用費$5000左右損失. 由於換工作,我收到傳票已經過期了.我聯係了我的保險公司,他們說會幫我去打這個官司.



有一項" Have you EVER, in or outside the Unite states been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined, or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, excluding traffic violations?" 我應該填" yes" or "no"?

-I think you had better say "Yes" and then, provide the copy of the 傳票 and the police report of the acident and explain it in a letter and address this case is in process. You will be fine for your I-485.

