
回答: 入籍請教高人lund2011-11-25 10:16:26
我在20076月得到美國綠卡之後,到明年6月滿5年之間,可以申請國籍,目前已經在美居住3年(continous residence

 -You can file N-400 appliction for the US citizenship in March 2012, in advance up to 3 months before you got the GC reaches 5 years. But do not stay in China for > 6 months continuously.

-If you stay in China for > 6 months continuously, your resident continuity probably will be disrupted.
-The CBP officer will not allow you to that. They will give you warning very soon if you continue to go and back between China and US oftenly and then, they may cancel your green card if you contniue to do that. So, you had better get the reentry permit to stay in China for > one year < 2 years.
-If you do not want to file N-470 in March 2012, you may file N-470 to keep your original 已經在美居住3年 if USCIS approve your N-470 and thus, you may use this for future US citizenship.
Check the N-470 Instruction to see whether you are qualified for the N-470 filing:
我公司會一直繳稅。由於是為自己的公司長期住在中國,這5年期間我在中國的時間是否能算成在美國的continous residence


回複: 萬分感謝8老師,還有一個問題請教 -lund- 給 lund 發送悄悄話 lund 的博客首頁 (677 bytes) () 11/27/2011 postreply 03:32:46

回複:回複: 萬分感謝8老師,還有一個問題請教 -863211- 給 863211 發送悄悄話 863211 的博客首頁 (1690 bytes) () 11/27/2011 postreply 07:32:23
