
回答: 請教8老師和皮老師有關地址的問題cmc20092011-08-14 13:20:58

我現在正在辦離婚, 可能會在2-3個有內搬離現在的住址, 那我在給媽媽的綠卡申請表上可不可以填寫我朋友的住址作為我媽媽的居住地和收件地址, 如果可以,

-Yes. Had better your friend address is in the same district/city as yours (old) so that USCIS is not confused in her background check.

個地址又跟我稅表上的地址不一樣, 請問該怎麽辦呢?

-It does not matter. But her G-325 has to list all her addresses in US (your current address and your friend's address).
