回複:跪求解決方案 --- 1個月過去,電話打爆了,SR也作了,infopass也去了,2nd officer talk 2次了

收到RFE email 1個月過去了,電話打爆了,SR也作了,infopass也去了,

2nd officer talk 2次了,- Who is "2nd officer"?

參眾議員也都找了,但是還是沒收到RFE notice. 今天再次和2nd officer核實說,

那邊沒有任何respond(盡管期限已經到)。- Which is "那邊"?


There is always something out there out of your control even though you have tried your best. Keep records/evidence of your efforts, in case to appeal the denial.
