我們全家取得綠卡後回中國居住(已申請了REENTRY PERMIT),想4年後兒子考上美國大學後再一起回美國定居。請教各位大師:
1.如果我連續申請REENTRY PERMIT延期,是否一般會被批準?
-Renewal for one time should be OK, normally. But it is hard to say if you continue to renew the RP for several times.
2.申請REENTRY PERMIT加急辦理一般可以用什麽理由?
-No 加急辦理 for RP application, but you request USCIS to send you the biometric appointment notice quickly if you are really under emergency such as urgent business meeting, your relative/family member illness, etc.
-Case by case, normally one to two months.
2.如果我們不申請REENTRY PERMIT,4年後入關是否會被打回?
-You may not be allowed to enter US.
-You can not win this case if you only use the reasons you list here.