我辦H1b Transfer到現單位剛補交了材料,還沒批下來,今天獲悉公司準備在本周內解散我們部門. 我的最後一張paycheck可能截至3月10號. 時間如此緊急的情況下,在維持身份上我有什麽選擇呢?
1. 如果我立刻開始找工作,假如順利,在一個月之內遞交新的H1B Transfer申請,身份上算不算有gap? 需要出境簽證嗎?
-I think it should be fine. If the new H1 approval has no I-94, you need to get the H1 outside US. Otherwise, just continue to work.
我知道如果當前的H1b批準,一個月gap是允許的. 可是我的情況是當前的H1B剛補充了材料,還在等待批準.要是提交一份新的申請,那豈不是在移民局同時申請兩份不同的工作,導致統統被拒掉麽?
-Fine. You can file several h1 petitions at the same time and approval will not affect each other.
-Not need to do that. That pending h1 will not affect your new h1 petition.
-No. The employer need to write to USCIS to withdraw the pending H1 if he wants to.
2. 如果我轉H4,可以在離職一個月之內提交嗎?我很希望能有兩三周時間找找新工作.因為H4辦下來也要三到四個月,之後再找再辦H1B,實在不願意那麽長時間不工作.
-If the cap is too long, you may just go back to China to get the H4 visa.