
現在的H-1B到今年6月1日到期,由現在的教授sponsorship. 有一家公司有意向招聘我,還剩2個多月的時間,我需要做什麽,謝謝Pijiang和863211老師 。

-You need to file the H1 transfer to get the H1 quote on or after April 1, 2011 if you have not been the h1 in a private compnay before. Then, you can work for the Company after the company files the h1 tranfer, but you have to stop working for the company when the h1 transfer is approved it occurs before Oct. 1, and then you have to leave US and get the H1 to come back on or after September 21, 2011 (10 days before the H1 is effective) and work for the company from Oct. 1, 2011.

Of cousre, if your h1 transfer is approved after September 21, 2011, you do not need to leave US.
