Since you are still in status of H-1b, you may write to USCIS to cancel I-539 before prospective employer files I-129. Pay attention to have maintain your H-1b with current employer until transfer is filed.
Since you are still in status of H-1b - 回複:H1轉H4中,找到工作怎麽辦?
• 多謝pjiang老師,還有一個小問題 -終生美麗- ♀ (270 bytes) () 03/03/2011 postreply 07:29:05
• You have to be employed - 回複:多謝pjiang老師,還有一個小問題 -pjiang- ♀ (110 bytes) () 03/03/2011 postreply 07:58:08