-If he stays in China for more than one year, his green card will be cancelled no matter whether he gives up or not. So, he may just give up it if he does not want to keep the green card (up to him, anyway). The important thing is that you have to become a US citizen so that you can sponsor him to reapply for the green card again before he turns 21 years old. Of course, you still can sponsor him green card after he turns 21,but that will take longer time for him to get the green card. You also can sponsor his green card when you are a green card holder before he gets married, but it also take a long time.
-File I-130.
-If you are US citizen, 無配額限製 if you sponsor his green card before he turns 21 and may take 6 months to one year. Otherwise, 有配額限製 and may take 5 to 10 years.
Another choice is that your child keep his green card valid until you get the US citizenship so that your child will auotmatically become US citizen also.