8老師,昨天我問了替我老婆的家人辦親屬綠卡的律師(我懷疑他是否真的有律師從業資格...)他說,因為被申請人仍然在等待排期,移民局仍然需要我老婆作為joint sponsor的2010年稅表。因為我們今年將第一次共同file(married file jointly),所以我也需要在I-864上麵簽字
-You do not need to sign the I-864. But you had better file your tax return with your wife (joint-tax return) because you need this for your 臨時綠卡轉正. Eeven if your wife provides your joint-tax return for her relatives GC sponsor, it does not mean you have the responsibility for this matter (irrelevant to you).
(那個律師說,由於2012年我要申請由老婆sponsor的臨時綠卡轉正,今年和明年一定要和老婆共同報稅)我在以前的帖子中提過,我老婆給申請人做擔保一事我毫不知情,並且由於我不熟悉申請人,我將不會在I-864上簽字。那個律師說可以再找另外一個人(能夠提供2008--2010三年稅表)替代我老婆作為joint sponsor,這樣我老婆就可以withdraw了。請問
1. 如果我老婆今年上交我和她共同file的tax return,根據I-864的規定,我是否必須完成一張新的I-864表格並在上麵簽字?
2. 如果我們最後找不到人替代我老婆作擔保人這個位置,並且拒絕提供2010年的稅表,會對申請綠卡者的case造成什麽影響?
-If your wife personal income is enough for sponsoring her relatives' GC application, she does not need a co-sponsor. Otherwise, she needs to find another co-sponsor if you do not want your personal income to be the sponsor. If she does not have enough financial ability, her relatives' GC applicaiton will not be approved. if you want to be aprt of the sponsor, you need to file I-864A with yoiur wife I-864.
3. 我們是否必須file jointly,file separately行不行? 對我明年的綠卡轉正有何影響?
-You had better file jonit-tax return.