我的綠卡已批準,配偶在國內,準備consular process,請問我現在除了填824表格,還需要給NVC寄其他材料嗎?
-NVC will contact you and send you the instructions after the I-824 is approved. You then just follow the NVC instructions to do what they request.
律師說填824表格要500刀,後麵的程序要1500刀,請問consular process有必要請律師嗎?
-I do not think you need a lawyer because the procedure is very simple.
我在壇子裏搜尋了一下,關於consular process的材料比較少。請問這個過程麻煩嗎,需要請律師嗎?如果因為某種原因,綠卡申請不被批準的話,是不是律師可以幫助appeal?
-Not appeal available for consular processing. Just do it again if it is denied.
-Very few denial unless your materials have problem.