
我嶽母以前數次來美.其中一次,2005年4月入境,10月申請延期批準, 2006年4月再次到期時沒有再申請延期. 直致2007年2月離境回中國.太太是美國公民,現在為她母親申請綠卡,麵試時移民官問到這一問題,說需要進一步核實.一星期後收到通知,要求提供2006年4月以後至2007年2月離境期間的延期證明.原文如下: " Submit evidence to show you were authorized to remain untill 2/5/2007".

由於當時沒有申請延期,現在無法提供證明. 請問這種情況有什麽辦法可以補救? 移民局隻給了30天時間.

-Where is your mother in law now, China or US? If she is in China now, she is subjected to three years bar and the immigration officer will not give her the immigration visa until she has stayed in China for at least three years. So, she just provide the extension approval for the first b2 extension from 10/2005 to 4/2006 and then, tell the truth. because she has stayed in China for more than 3 years, she is qualified for the immigration visa.

If she is in US now, USCIS can not deny her I-485 no matter whether she extended her B2 or not.
