Thank you so much 皮匠老師! Please understand my urgent situation and depression!
我三年來一直持EAD在美國工作,由於my previous 公司律師的延誤.原來的EAD將於2010年8月26日到期(下個星期五), but he did not renew it for me on time.
為了讓我能盡快恢複合法working status. Another lawyer 幫我湊足材料下周一會寄出H1B 加快申請(15天)並且同時申請了Nonprotonc (爭取H1B從EAD到期那一天開始算起)。
- Unfortunately this attorney does not understand what "Nunc Pro Tunc" is.
If so, the best case for my H1B application will be: The H1b will be approved. But, I have to start to work and get payment start from Oct. 1st?
A. H1B 加快申請並且同時申請了Nonprotonc 批準的rate 多大?
- Not having a clear picture of your status history, I tend to believe I-129 will be approved w/o I-94
My lawyer said, as long as we get the H1B approvement notice, I can start to work and get pay. She said the visa and I94 etc. is for travel purposes.
B. 如Nonprotonc 批準了,我可以向公司要回我的工資嗎?(我的工作根本不能停止,computer based work, could work from home...)
- Theoretically, they will stop to pay me until I get my H1B or renewed EAD (which is also filed today). But, I will have to work during this gap. My personal hope is, once the H1B get appoved, they can pay me the money that I should get. My manager will have no problem.
Thank you so much for your patience!
回複:回複:H1B ergent application questions!!!
• Take my advice - 回複:H1B ergent application questions!!! -pjiang- ♀ (483 bytes) () 08/20/2010 postreply 20:41:53
• 回複:Take my advice - 回複:H1B ergent application questions!!! -pineappleH1B- ♀ (494 bytes) () 08/20/2010 postreply 20:57:35
• 回複:回複:Take my advice - 回複:H1B ergent application questions!!! -pjiang- ♀ (303 bytes) () 08/21/2010 postreply 05:55:12