回複:需要勞工部的 "Prevailing Wage Determinations,


1。乍麽在線找到“previal wage determination application”,看到學校國際中心網上說,要求係上交H1B 時, 要有previal wage determination application 和 wage report.
-Your employer can find the prevail wage determination at http://icert.doleta.gov or from OES data resource (http://www.flcdatacenter.com/) in a second and print it out as the wage report for the LCA application, many people/lawyers do that now (none files the prevail wage determination for LCA by paper or online unless this person is inexperience as your school).

2. 學校的網上最近有POST LCA,上麵有和我相同的TITLE,工資相同,是不是一樣的O*NET CODE,我是不是就可以直接用這個CODE?
-Yes, if it the same major. The job code is also related to the major/working area. So, different major, the job code is different.

3。 關於I-539,問題是J2 沒有保存 DS2039 表了,也沒有COPY,因為很早以前的事, 自已寫個表述可以?
-Yes, if youhav eno choice. Provide as more details as you can. Enclose the copy of the J1/J2 waiver document.

已經WAIER 過了。 先謝了。
