太謝了, 現在的關鍵問題是,
1。 我收到兩份收入, 一是來來自PRE-OPT,FULL TIME (在我的I-20上寫的是:F—1 PRE-OPT FULL TIME, 另一份是原來學校的GRA收入,這兩個收入都是合法的? 如果不合法的, 我應退回哪一個?乍麽退法, 要不要寫一個證明為以後備?所有的以前的問題這個是個關鍵。
-Yes, it is legal for you to accept all of the兩個收入 because you have the EAD.
2。我現在學校(OPT)說,PRE-OPT 隻能是 PART TIME, 因為你是FULL TIME 注冊 學生。但是原來的學校給我的是PRE-OPT 是FULL TIME 的, 因為我完成的所有的要求,EXCEPT FOR 論文外。現在學校說我原來的學校理解有偏差, 不對的。
-現在學校(OPT)is wrong. Whether you meet the full time requirements is determined by your 原來的學校 where you get the degree, not the school you do OPT. So, as long as your 原來的學校 recognize your full-time student, you have no problem in USCIS. Even if you are OPT working in another school, you are still an F1 student of the 原來的學校 where you graduated from. So, you need to keep in touch with this school until you finish your OPT. If you change job or status, you need to report it to the International Studnet Office at your原來的學校. The school you are working for your OPT has no right to deal with your business and only need to give you training and payment.
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12/24/2009 postreply