回複:full time pre-OPT and partime GRA student

i, all,

我的情況是這樣的, 我有一個PRE-opt,FULL TIME (EAD) 在另一個大學, 同時, 原來學校保持我的GRA 身份,付部分的工資給我,因為考慮到沒有這個GRA, 學費不能WAVIER,

我的問題是, 我能同時有F-1 full time pre-OPT 和 PART TIME registration 學生?
-You can not say you are full-time student and also a part time student unless you have two different majors. Your pre-OPT training is part of your program study even if you work at two schools. You should be a full time student at the school you study/get the degree even if you just work there
我不知道乍麽確定full time 或 part time registration?。 最後一學期,我隻注冊了一個研究學分。是不是可以算是PART TIME?
-Because it is the last semester for you to finish your study, whether you meet the full-time student registration requirement is determined by your school. Some schools just require the student to register one credit hour to meet the full time student requirement in the final semester. So, I do not think you will have a problem.

或時間從20 小時減少小於20小時 /周就可以了?
-This is irrelevant to determine whether you are a part time or full time student.

2.有人經曆過類似的情況, 也就是同時收到full time pre-OPT paymment 和 GRA payment?



回複:回複:full time pre-OPT and partime GRA student -sunny1280888- 給 sunny1280888 發送悄悄話 (532 bytes) () 12/23/2009 postreply 07:28:29

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