我今天才接到ref,隻有10幾天的時間回複。請大家幫我看看該怎樣回複。我是學校的美國律師幫申請的,什麽都要靠自己弄,真是一點頭緒都 沒有,懇請大家幫我出出主意。
1. Published materials in professional publications written by others about the beneficiary’s work in the academic field (mere reference to the beneficiary’s work or inclusion of the benediciary’s publications。In bibligraphies or footnotes is insufficient) such materials shall include the title, date, and the Author of the materials, and any necessary translations).
2.Documentation of how the beneficiary’s research and publications have impacted her field and how has the beneficiary’s research and publications led to new discoveries or new avenues of the research(independent researchers)。
3. Documents from the authors of the letters of reference, citing secific examples of how the beneficiary’s research has influenced their research。
4. Examples of how the beneficiary’s nineteen publications have influenced her field.
有一篇第一作者的文章是2007年most-cited paper。有三篇第一作者的文章4次被評為hot paper。可以用來恢複這一點嗎?
5. Document of the beneficiary’s receipt of major prize or awards for outstandingg achievement in theacademic field.
我一篇文章去年被評為best paper award(但我的署名非常靠後),可以claim嗎?另外,我在國內時曾獲得一個學會的優秀青年會議論文獎,得到5000RMB做獎勵,可以作為一個證明回複者一項嗎?
6. Evidence of the international recognition for the beneficiary as an outstanding researcher.
140 ref, 請大家幫我看看怎麽回答,時間緊,非常著急,非常感謝!
• 回複:140 ref, 請大家幫我看看怎麽回答,時間緊,非常著急,非常感謝! -kuaileba- ♀ (16 bytes) () 07/10/2009 postreply 10:59:54
• EB1B -vicggcs- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/10/2009 postreply 11:51:01
• 沒背景交待, 如何幫你? -4個土豆- ♂ (21 bytes) () 07/10/2009 postreply 13:30:50
• 回複:140 ref, 請大家幫我看看怎麽回答,時間緊,非常著急,非常感謝! -hanxiaoau- ♂ (986 bytes) () 07/11/2009 postreply 11:52:26
• 回複:140 ref, 請大家幫我看看怎麽回答,時間緊,非常著急,非常感謝! -fsa2000- ♀ (189 bytes) () 07/12/2009 postreply 09:07:04