the letter from ISO official

來源: baby11 2003-10-23 14:34:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (854 bytes)
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回答: 快幫幫忙吧,J-2得到Admission 卻不能上學baby112003-10-23 12:31:00
The following is the letter that I got from the international student official:

The regulations are very specific that a J-2 may not register for a degree seeking program. I would require a copy of the I-797 showing the change of status had been approved and was in the mail.

If you receive the Waiver, it will take approximately 4-6 weeks to obtain the Change of Status approval with your new I-94 for F-1 Status. Until I have a copy of the approved change of status you will be unable to register for classes as a full-time degree seeking student.

I know these are not the answers you were hoping for. BCIS has addressed these questions recently and sent their regulations out to all of us working with international students.

The end.

Anyone has the same situation with me, please share your experience, thanks.



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