回複:some analysis about that

For Chinese, there are only 2812 visa quote for each EB catergory every year.
According to some reliable reports on name check issures, there are more than 60000 name check pending for more than 2 years (not 6 months, but 2 years) world wide. I think a significant fraction are for Chinese applicants amoung those 60000 people ( which meaning more than 100000 for pending more than 6 months).
If the personel in DOS are not terrible at maths, I would expect a serious retrogression on EB2 and a priorty date on EB1 soon.


100,000?: how many are citizenship and how many are I485? -balsam_pear_k- 給 balsam_pear_k 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/11/2008 postreply 09:54:01

"only 2812 visa quote", where does the # come from? -voyager_008- 給 voyager_008 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/11/2008 postreply 10:18:08

that is correct!!! -naozi321- 給 naozi321 發送悄悄話 naozi321 的博客首頁 (94 bytes) () 02/11/2008 postreply 10:54:43

FOR EACH CATEGORY -balsam_pear_k- 給 balsam_pear_k 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/11/2008 postreply 12:20:21

The article is more scary than the fact -lzr- 給 lzr 發送悄悄話 (571 bytes) () 02/11/2008 postreply 12:27:00
