回複:7th ys H1B1 extension returned by Vermont,請XBT和大俠們審案.

don't worry. you/your boss did not understand how h1b should be filed. you've got plenty of time to refile.

it seems the file is missing 2 documents.

1. LCA. LCA is not the screenshot you got from BEC. BEC screenshot shows you are eligible for extension beyond 6 year max. no matter beyond 6 yr or not, you need an LCA. Do a PWD with your state dol first. then go to http://www.lca.doleta.gov to do an lca.

2. H1B data collection supplement. This is the last part of form 129. complete the main part (4 pages), H supplement, and this data collection supplement.


thanks, I think I have figured out the reason for the return. -fixanycars- 給 fixanycars 發送悄悄話 (806 bytes) () 07/07/2007 postreply 19:10:32

回複:thanks, I think I have figured out the reason for the return. -Pangpang-JJYY- 給 Pangpang-JJYY 發送悄悄話 (69 bytes) () 07/08/2007 postreply 04:36:38

I only know how to get TX prevailing wage. -fixanycars- 給 fixanycars 發送悄悄話 (97 bytes) () 07/08/2007 postreply 06:39:23
