I just got my card

PD 6/2005
1FP 12/2005
2FP 5/2007 (no any update for 1FP & 2FP)
Approval notice mailed (my wife's and mine) 6/6/07
Card mailed (my wife's and mine) 6/8/07
Got my approval notice and card 6/11/07 (My wife's haven't showed up)
My daughter's approval is still pending.
Something for share.
1. For address changing, please also go to www.usps.com (US post office) to ask for a forward. Paying $1, you will not miss your letters. Post office forwarded me a letter regarding my AP from USCIS in March although I have changed my address on USCIS web for my case in early Feb.
2. There is a walk-in day (Wednesday) for FP. You can check your local office. I was arranged a wrong place which is far away from my home to do the 2 FP. I went to local office did it.
3. My wife's case "5/9/07 document mailed, if not received in 30 days, call". I called TSC this morning. They told me there was no action for the update.
I have leant a lot from here. Thanks Banzhu,Xiaobaitu,Radiology and all who have shared information here.
We all will get the card sooner or later.Good luck!


回複:I just got my card -SureUcan- 給 SureUcan 發送悄悄話 SureUcan 的博客首頁 (80 bytes) () 06/11/2007 postreply 18:35:05

回複:回複:I just got my card -56789999- 給 56789999 發送悄悄話 (113 bytes) () 06/11/2007 postreply 19:19:42

回複:How is your daughter's FP! -layu12- 給 layu12 發送悄悄話 (532 bytes) () 06/11/2007 postreply 21:23:57

She did twice. I don't remember which code. -56789999- 給 56789999 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/12/2007 postreply 05:39:24
