回複:TN, L1 and H1B - 小白兔!Please help!

Apply L1 Directly, even though I don't know why you have to wait until end of Sept. 讓美國公司現在就apply I129 for L1A peptition for you, once you get approved, you just bring the approval notice with your passport to enter US, then apply green card through EB1-C. For us, it should be very fast to get green card, for us in TX center, we got our green card within 10 months.

Good Luck!


回複:回複:TN, L1 and H1B - 小白兔!Please help! -Vanauley- 給 Vanauley 發送悄悄話 (524 bytes) () 07/31/2006 postreply 11:53:21
