回複:回複:回複:Can I apply for OPT while my I485 is pending a

Hi, FLM,

Unfortunately, I am still waiting for my OPT-based EAD to be approved. But when you look at "dofoolpeople" and "ddd123" comments, they said they didn't have problems to get it. That's also my hope.

With regard to the legal status, I believe, first, you have two months of a grace period after your defense. Second, since your I-485 is pending, you have no such worry at all.

BTW, I filed my petition to VSC.


回複:回複:回複:回複:Can I apply for OPT while my I485 is pen -Jie_BJCN- 給 Jie_BJCN 發送悄悄話 (40 bytes) () 06/06/2006 postreply 10:57:57

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