回複:回複:answer to question 3 &4

來源: lovewind 2006-03-24 10:47:54 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1289 bytes)
回答: answer to question 3 &4lovewind2006-03-23 19:18:40
I can't tell you for sure that they would not refuse your landing or visiting since the INS definitely have right to refuse your entering. However, the chance is very small and I never heard anyone got something like that.

As for landing, it means you physically enter Canada with your immigration visa. Once you did that, you are officially a Canadian PR unless it was deprived due to some reasons. Maple card is just proof of that.

I was there several weeks ago. The INS officer refused to initiate the maple card process for us since she doesn't believe that we are coming to stay in Canada even after we provided her with our Canadian address. She said that we need to wait until we come to live in Canada next time. Then I asked her how I could enter Canada next time withouth maple card, I was told that my landing paper is enough for me if I am entering from US. I checked with someone else in the Canadian border and got same answer. Therefore, I believe that after you land, you can still get in with your landing paper if you come from US. It doesn't matter whether you are coming to get your U.S. visa or something else. But if you enter through China, you need to have your maple card. You can also check that with the officer there.

Good luck.


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