As I know, the commission in HK for equity trading is 8bps - 30 bps from those main brokers, such as HSBC, Main Fisrt, Newedge, JP Morgan, Tradition, KGI, Cantor and so on. And plus stamp duty, Exchange fee and levy.
I am not sure if "傭金" means commission. But if it is, I don't understand why it is 1%, even 2%? Or you mean 2% of your return??
which broker's commission is 1%?
• 去銀行拿份prospectus看吧,正式名字是management fee -znprc- ♂ (22 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 09:29:59
• o~~k~~~ then I guess we're comparing apples with oranges. -bearbb- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 18:15:26