
so wrong. you think US is a clean place??? you just never had and will never have a chance to be dirty. in china, as least you are equal with everybody else to have a chance to be rich and dirty. remember, americans are robbers. the only difference is the western robbers legalize their robbery and you, as a foreigner, will never really enter their club of robbers.


Fully correct! -弗洛伊德- 給 弗洛伊德 發送悄悄話 (471 bytes) () 02/11/2010 postreply 23:09:43

回複:回複:海不歸的財富與海歸的淪陷----守住道德的最後底線zt -林居- 給 林居 發送悄悄話 (67 bytes) () 03/01/2010 postreply 07:22:34
