Thank you both for replying! I really appreciate it. Moving to a new place is always very stressful as you can imagine, especially when we have little ideas about working and living in HK.
Where would be a good place to rent if the company is located near the Kowloon Station? We would want to live closer to work but don't want to pay over $25K per month on rent.
How much utilities ( cable TV, water, electricity, gas ) would cost per month for a typical 3 bedroom apt around 1100 sqft? Will $2500 HKD per month enough?
Will $5K HKD be enough for monthly food expense? We are talking about eating in most of the time and maybe dinning out once a week.
How much will the transportation cost per month? Most time taking trains, buses and other public transportations. Occasionally taxi. Will $2K per month be enough? Will we need to have car?
How much money will you need to make to maintain a comfortable but not necessary lavish life style for a family of 4 in HK?
Thanks very much!!
回複:回複:moving to HongKong
(91 bytes)
03/21/2009 postreply
發錢寒!願幫就幫, 不幫就算
(0 bytes)
03/22/2009 postreply
回複:回複:回複:moving to HongKong
(632 bytes)
03/22/2009 postreply