
來源: YMCK1025 2019-12-25 11:39:05 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5945 bytes)



上周五,兩歲的Olive Alayne Heiligenthal在睡夢中停止了呼吸,在女孩的父母撥打911後,盡管醫護人員趕到現場並盡了最大努力,但最終還是無力回天。

雖然她的遺體已被送去當地驗屍官辦公室,但她的父母卻拒絕相信自己女兒在這個世界上的生命已經真正結束,並呼籲他們的教會通過祈禱的方式來嚐試複活其女兒。Andrew和Kalley Heiligenthal都是伯特利教會的成員,他們希望通過集體祈禱、吟唱和讚頌的力量,能夠令Olive死而複生。

Kalley Heiliegenthal為此寫道: “我們相信死而複生的耶穌掌握了複活力量的鑰匙。我們需要用這股力量複活咱家的小Olive Alayne,她昨天停止了呼吸,並被醫生宣告死亡。我們請求全球教會與我們站在一起,進行一場大膽的統一祈禱,並堅信上帝將令這個小女孩複活”。



除了協助Heiligenthals複活其女兒外,伯特利教會還發起了眾籌運動,最終目標為100000美元,以此支付“ Heiligenthal家庭將出現的不可預見開支、醫療費用以及其他費用”。



本文譯自 Odditycentral,由譯者 HTT110 基於創作共用協議(BY-NC)發布。



Megachurch and Family of 2-year-Old Girl Who Died Suddenly Try To Bring Her Back to Life Through Prayer



Following the tragic death of their young daughter, a California family has asked members of their church, the Bethel Church in Redding, California, to help them attempt a miraculous resurrection through prayer, singing and praise.

Early on Friday, 2-year-old Olive Alayne Heiligenthal stopped breathing in her sleep, and despite the best efforts of paramedics, who arrived on the scene after the girl’s parents called 911, she could not be resuscitated. Her body was taken to the Shasta County Coroner’s Office, but her parents refuse to believe that their daughters time on this Earth has truly come to an end, and have appealed to their church to attempt a resurrection through prayer. Andrew and Kalley Heiligenthal, both of whom are members of the Bethel Church in Redding, hope that through mass prayer, music and praise, Olive can be revived.

Photo: jaefrench/Pixabay

“We believe in a Jesus who died and conclusively defeated every grave, holding the keys to resurrection power. We need it for our little Olive Alayne, who stopped breathing yesterday and has been pronounced dead by doctors,” Kalley Heiliegenthal wrote. “We are asking for bold, unified prayers from the global church to stand with us in belief that He will raise this little girl back to life. Her time here is not done, and it is our time to believe boldly, and with confidence wield what King Jesus paid for. It’s time for her to come to life.”

Such resurrection attempts are not widely accepted by the Christian Church, but according to an official statement from Bethel Church, the California church and its members “believe in the stories of healing and physical resurrection found in the Bible (Matthew 10:8), and that the miracles they portray are possible today”. On Tuesday night, hundreds of people  gathered at Bethel Church for prayer and worship in a ceremony calling for Olive’s resurrection. According to a church spokesperson, this was the first-ever public prayer that Bethel has hosted to pray for a resurrection.




命運 -YMCK1025- 給 YMCK1025 發送悄悄話 (1705 bytes) () 12/25/2019 postreply 11:57:03

一個男人和一個女人睡在同一張床上,不會有性衝動嗎?這事應該無師自通吧?LOL -七彩奶油- 給 七彩奶油 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/25/2019 postreply 15:09:46

父親墳前,他跪下對母親說:“媽媽,請放過我老婆吧! -YMCK1025- 給 YMCK1025 發送悄悄話 (33545 bytes) () 12/25/2019 postreply 16:09:47



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