After nearly a year of development and three public beta tests Battlefield 2 v1.50 is ready for release. The update will be released on Tuesday 1st September at 5pm UK, 6pm Europe. Stay tuned for release announcement in the near future!
As part of Update 1.50 we are glad to announce that not only is Highway Tampa now a required install included in the update but Euro Forces (Great Wall, Taraba Quarry and Operation Smoke Screen) and Armored Fury (Midnight Sun, Operation Harvest and Operation Road Rage) is now FREE for all Battlefield 2 players. Including the brand new map, Operation Blue Pearl this brings EIGHT new maps that everyone can play and will be added to ranked Battlefield 2 servers world wide. The Booster Pack content is included in the update and has made the file just over 2Gb in size.
Server providers around the world will have access to the client file so find your closest host for best download speeds. To install Battlefield 2 Update v1.50 you must have Battlefield 2 updated to version 1.41 or Battlefield 2 Complete Collection from EA Store installed. Thank you to all of the EAUK Forums (http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-2/) members who have given feedback and requests during the development of this update.
BF2重大更新,1.5/Euro Forces/Armored Fury都免費啦!!!
• EF是很爛的,AF更加的爛。 -ppk- ♂ (0 bytes) () 08/28/2009 postreply 14:08:40
• 還好都沒有買,SF的唯一作用就是多了兩杆槍 -BKS- ♂ (0 bytes) () 08/28/2009 postreply 14:34:10
• EA!退俺EF+AF的錢!! -lzpig- ♂ (0 bytes) () 08/31/2009 postreply 14:53:32