As you know, we are in an adoption process for a young Chinese girl with the French association “Médecins du Monde” (means doctors of the world). This girl will be a special need one with a heart disease.
Until 2009, The CCAA (Chinese center for adoption) in Beijing was sending around 10 files every 3 months to “Médecins du Monde” in Paris, which then was dispatching the babies to the families.
Since January, the CCAA changed its way to process. They propose each week the babies on an internet site and the first association on a baby is getting it.
Medecins du Monde (MDM) seems to be the only one association in the world (out of 60 dealing with special needs babies) to have refused this process considering that adoption was not a business and a baby not a merchandise.
They still ask to CCAA to still send them files in the old way. The reality of the situation is that they are getting very few files from CCAA compared to last year: only 3 since January! And we are waiting like crazy. Hundreds of babies are arriving in different countries but not any more in France or a very few ones.
So my question is the next one: according to a Chinese point of view (cultural and practical), how do you interpret, “read” and consider the MDM position and how the CCAA could consider it?