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回答: Susan Miller2014年7月運勢米爾2014-07-09 07:13:32


譯者:Samansa Yi 

Libra Forecast for July 2014 
By Susan Miller 


Libra, symbolized by the scales, is said to prefer life in balance, but over the past several recent years, your life has been anything but balanced. You were caught in the middle of some fierce planetary conflict that brought you challenges at every turn, and it all came through no fault of your own. 

One close relationship may have concerned you - in love or business - or you may have been beset with a competitive colleague who put obstacles in your path, perhaps because this person was threatened by your talents. You would have noticed this near April 15, a monstrous full moon eclipse in Libra, or a month later, in May. (In some cases, eclipses deliver news one month to the day later, plus or minus five days.) 

事業也變成了你關注的重點, 如果你還能借助那些專業的渠道,6月27日巨蟹座的新月會在7月的上半段給你帶來有利的支持。這輪新月會幫助你接收所有利於你事業的嶄新的機會。它出現在你的第十宮,主管名譽和榮耀,這一事實告訴我這個月是發展更高級別的工作的好月份。 
Career has been a very big focus too, and if you feel you could still use more help with professional matters, the new moon in Cancer (6 degrees) that occurred June 27 would still be sending you strong and friendly help in early to mid-July. That new moon was to be all about generating fresh opportunities in your professional life. It appeared in your tenth house, an area that rules fame and honors, so this tells me this month would be the best one for generating high status job options. 

You can now find a way to make a step up to a position of greater responsibility and power, not one that seems just more of the same of what you've done until now. Of course, you would have to want it. You will have to act fast, as Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, is winding up a year's visit to Cancer and residing in this vary same prestigious house, but will leave July 16, not to return for twelve years. When Jupiter is present, doors open more easily than at other times. (As an aside, Mercury was retrograde last month, but that changes now, for Mercury will move forward on July 1. Although Mercury is always a little sleepy in the days after he moves forward, he will be peppy again by July 16, so life will have a quicker pace with each passing day.) 

While you will always have a chance to scale new heights in your career after Jupiter leaves Cancer (not to return until 2025), right now you will have a big edge over the competition. All you need to do is make calls and find a position to aim toward. Look at listings, but also enlist people you know in your industry to help you find jobs that are emerging before they become public knowledge. Some of your friends may able to vouch for your qualifications and experience. You would need to do all of this in the first two weeks of July for best luck. 

This new moon of June 27, still strong in early July, was in elegant angle to Neptune in your house of work assignments (sixth house), so if you are paid for your ideas and work on creative projects (or if you support creative talent in your work), you will do extra well. This same new moon was opposed to Pluto, so you will have to be very persuasive, but who better than an analytical Libra to do that? 

If you decide to stay with the same company where you are working now, you will still have a chance for a promotion, but again, it will be the depth of your determination and passion for the work that will make the difference between you getting the job or someone else being given the plum assignment. In other words, you will have to fight for your promotion, but you can win. 

Your home or other property is likely to draw your attention at the full moon in Capricorn, July 12. You've had a lot going on in this area of your life lately, so you may have been making extensive repairs to your home or painting; or having a professional shampoo your rugs, carpets, and upholstery; or you may have been de-cluttering closets, or renovating your kitchen or bath. Or, you may have just recently moved into your new space and are deciding where to store things. 
The project you have been doing seems to be coming to conclusion on July 12, or within four days. Additionally or alternatively, you might have rented a country house to allow you a number of fun weekend getaways, and if so, you may be having friends or family over to stay with you this weekend, July 12-13. 

I feel you will love the results of the work on your home and any entertaining you do. On Sunday, July 13, Mars and Venus, the two planets that belong together to set off the sparks of love and beauty, will meet July 13, one of your favorite days of the month. The whole weekend will be sprinkled with pixie dust, for Venus rules Libra. 

如果最近你並未在自己居住的地方花上心思,那麽你可能會參與某些相關的項目。你的父母會被位於第四宮的家宅宮所影響,所以當這輪滿月出現時,關心一下爸爸媽媽。土星在滿月出現時會表現的非常友好,你所作出的重大決定以及付出的行動將會得到非常好的結果。 (由土星掌管摩羯座是本月出現滿月的星座,因為土星的掌控,所有行動得來的結果會讓你感到高興,而且你會開心好一陣子哦) 
If you have had no emphasis on your residential apartment or house, then you may need to attend to something that will come up at this time. Your parents are ruled by the fourth house of home, so if you were concerned about your mother or father, that situation is about to crest now at the full moon. Saturn will be very friendly to this full moon, a great sign that the final outcome of your decisions and actions will be positive. (Saturn rules Capricorn, the sign the full moon will appear in this month. With the ruler of that moon, Saturn, in great shape, the outcome should please you, and also be long-lasting.) 

The second part of July is when the magic happens. Two planets will move into new signs, giving you fresh hope for a better day-to-day experience. If you felt stuck, the move of planets and the friendly new moon will help you move forward again. 

First, the most exciting shift will be when Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into Leo on July 16, to stay thirteen months, until August 11, 2015. This is great news because Jupiter will now be in a fire sign that will blend beautifully with your Libra air sign element. Now Jupiter will light your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, so something you have dearly wanted for a long time may now be manifested for you. 

這些願望與期許可以是精神上的(“我想有個寶寶“或者”我想找到我的那個人“)又或者是物質上的(”我好想擁有一輛那樣的車“或者”我想有一棟屬於自己的房子“)。今年,宇宙的力量會幫助你開始實現這些夢想,如果你是九月出生的, 你會立即感受到這些巨大的影響,比你在十月出生的朋友們要早上許多。但是,所有的天秤座將會受益,木星會在天秤座的所有角度運行,從0度到30度,從到達開始直到2015年8月11日離開。每個人都會受益。 
The wish can be spiritual ("I wish for a baby" or "I want to find my true love") or material ("I badly need a new car" or "I want to own my own apartment someday.") This year the universe will work to help you get started on that dream. If you were born in September, you will feel this influence now, almost immediately, before your October-born Libra friends do. Still, ALL Libras will benefit, as Jupiter will move over all degrees of Libra, from 0 degrees to 30 degrees, between now and the date Jupiter will leave Libra next year, August 11, 2015. Everyone wins. 

The same eleventh house rules friendship, and where you will also see enormous benefits - current and long-term friends, and the new people that will pour into your life from now on. They will be a source of comfort, inspiration, stimulation, and pleasure. 

Friends will also help you in practical ways and may be more helpful than professionals you hire. Need to sell a house? Ask a friend if she knows anyone who is in the market. Need special tutoring for your child? Rather than pay professional consultant, ask other mothers and fathers in your child's school (you can always hire the expert later if need be). If you need a refrigerator, friends will direct you to the places you can buy the one you have your heart set on far below retail. Friends will link you to job opportunities this year and to social activities, and if you are single, one friend may bring you a new romantic interest if you ask for an introduction. 

The point is, this is the golden spot in your chart, so your friends and acquaintances - and even casual contacts - are the people with whom you will gain the most personal growth and enjoy the most luck and happiness. You will expand your circle many fold from now until early August 2015. It would be a superb year to join a social club, or a professional club in your industry. You need to attend meetings and events to benefit, of course, but if you do, you'll be glad you did. You worked on your professional life (or meditated about what should come next) This month, you will get a clear indication of just how much friends are willing to do for you. 

在這十三個月中,你會對於“朋友才是你自己選擇的家庭“ 這句話有深切體會。有些朋友會慢慢淡出你的生活,這是生活中的一個很正常的消耗過程。有些天秤座的朋友會發現你和你固定圈子裏的人其實並沒有很多共同語言了。你有了一些新的興趣,有部分原因是因為你遇到了新的朋友。由於木星在你的朋友宮內,你的新朋友們大多將是成功人士,而他們會在很多方麵啟發你。 
It's been said that your friends make up the family not that you were born into but the family you choose, and that will be quite true this year. Some friends will fade out of the picture, which is normal part of the attrition process in life. You may see that in some cases you and certain friends won't have as much in common as you did in the past. You will be developing new interests, partly because of the influence of the new people you will be rubbing shoulders with in the coming months. With Jupiter in this house, the people you meet will be successful types, and they will inspire you. 

All that I have been discussing will take on a new twist at the important new moon, July 26, in Leo, 4 degrees. In the two weeks that follow this new moon, you will see the scene shift and life become more vibrant. Friends you've not had time to call will suddenly be back in your life, and you'll find yourself drawing up plans for dinner, to attend parties, to go shopping together, or to draw up business ideas to enact together (a good idea!). This new moon will, remarkably, be conjunct Jupiter, making it the finest in 2014. In the ten days that follow that new moon, be sure to circulate and be open to new faces. Some of the people will be very different from the friends you've had, but that's the point! You'll be in the mood for fresh and new - go with that! 

To see what I mean, put a big read circle around the luckiest day of the year, July 24, when Jupiter and the Sun will meet in Leo in your friendship house, and you will benefit from the efforts of a friend or from a club you belong to. Someone you know will be willing to go quite far out on a limb for you, and you are likely to be touched by this person's kindness and by how much your pal believes in you. The eleventh house, so golden on July 24, is associated with humanitarian efforts, so if you lead a benefit fundraiser on this day, you are likely to generate quite a bit of money, transforming you into a tower of strength in the community. 
Now let's shift over to the move of Mars into a new sign. Mars has been in Libra for a very long time, and that's usually a big plus. I spoke about this last month. Normally you would jump for joy to have Mars, the energy planet, in your own sign, for it places you in a high profile position, and better yet, it give you lots of control over events. 

However, in 2014, Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter were all at hard angles to Mars, to precise degree, including this month, so you may have felt worn to the bone with Mars in such a vulnerable place. Instead of control, you were hammered with a great deal of pressure. With astrology, you always have to look at where the other planets are moving and synthesize their actions into a whole. You can't just look at one aspect, Mars in Libra. Since December, the other planets ganged up on Mars like a rowdy gang on a dark street. It was not a pretty picture. 

On July 25, Mars will finally move into Scorpio and your second house of earned income. Although this will not be the easiest place to host Mars, compared to what you have gone through, I see this as an improvement. Money has been a sore point for you for months, extending back as far as October 2012, due to the arrival of Saturn, the taskmaster planet, in Scorpio. Saturn has tightened your cash flow, but you also learned to stretch your dollars impressively to allow you much value. You may have found ways to negotiate more effectively, too, not only in your professional life but in your personal life too. Saturn has been giving you a cosmic financial MBA, and you are still being tutored. The lessons you learn this year will carry you forward for three decades, and you will be all the wiser for having gone through this period. 

By the end of 2014, Saturn will move out of Scorpio temporarily, from December 23, 2013 to June 14, 2015, and you will have instant relief from all the financial juggling you may have been doing lately. Saturn will be back to Scorpio from June 14, 2015 to September 17, 2015, a relatively short time, so that middle period of 2015 won't be very troublesome at all - Saturn will be on his way out, and you will feel change in the air. You did some of your hardest work learning about money last years, but will continue to do so this year. 

Adding to Saturn will be the move of Mars in Scorpio too, and Mars, an assertive, determined planet, will tend to force your expenses up. You may have planned to write checks say, for an overseas vacation, or a summer house you had eyed and want to rent next month. In life we have expensive months and ones that hardly require any large outlays. Your high spending will keep up until September 13, and then, instant relief. 

Romantically, the new trend that is starting up with Jupiter in Leo will help you in the romance department, for new friends will bring you more new friends. They, in turn, will invite you to events, and may be willing to make introductions. Welcome the changes that are coming, dear Libra - they will ease your situation and bring you much more fun and love. 

In the meantime, this month, enjoy your ruler and planet of love and attraction, Venus, in Gemini, a great spot for you, from the start of the month until July 18. Get some new clothes, a great haircut, or a new scent (and that includes you, my guy readers!). A new day is dawning and I want you to be ready! 


如果你很認真的考慮在事業上更進一步,你必須在7月的前兩個星期,運用在你的成就宮出現的新月帶來的能量(將於6月27日出現)。立刻去安排你的會議,麵試,或者是演講吧! 木星,帶來財富的偉大行星,將會與7月16日離開你的職業宮,而直到2025年6月都不會再回來。而你當然可以在這個日期之後,對於你的職業生涯進行考量,但是木星擁有掌控所有好事情的巨大能力(包括那些奇跡時刻!),而且會讓好事情來得更快哦。木星會以一種舒服和慷慨的方式幫助你。趁它離開你那高貴的第十宮之前,抓緊你的機會,運用你的優勢!記住你並不需要現在就找到新的工作(也是有可能的哦),但是此時是開始尋找的最佳時機。 
If you are serious about getting ahead in your career, you must use the energy of the recent new moon in your achievement sector (the one that appeared June 27) during the first two weeks of July. Schedule your meetings, interviews, and presentations immediately. Jupiter, the great planet of good fortune, is about to leave your professional sector on July 16 this month, not to be back until June 2025. While you will always have opportunities to get ahead in your career in the intervening years, Jupiter is the very power of goodness (and even covers miracles!) and can make things happen fast. Jupiter will help you with a warm and comforting spirit of generosity. Jupiter will leave your prestigious tenth sector on July 16, so you will be given a second chance to get ahead now. Use it to your advantage. Remember that you need not land the new job now (or, you might) but what matters is that you start the process. 

Your expenses will now likely start to mount because now Mars will move into your second house of earnings and spending on July 25, to stay until September 13. You may have a number of big expenditures coming up, for tuition, a summer cottage rental, fix-ups to your residential space, a costly vacation, or for other reasons. Mercury was retrograde last month so you may have wisely put off buying electronics or other big purchases. Mercury goes direct July 1, so that's good news - no more reason to delay those acquisitions. Also this month, Saturn, the ruler of your home sector, will move ahead (being no longer retrograde) on July 20. You may make an important home-related decision over the full moon, July 12, just prior to Saturn's turn direct. Things are getting settled this month, and in so many ways, you will like the faster pace. 

Once Jupiter enters Leo on July 16, to stay until August 11, 2015, a period of nearly thirteen months, this great planet of expansion and happiness will bring his goodness to your area of friendship and fun. In coming months, you will see that your friends believe in you and are willing to go out of their way to help you. Leo is a fire sign, so it blends beautifully with your Libra air-sign element. Jupiter will expand your opportunities quickly, and you will absorb Jupiter's goodies more easily than when Jupiter was in water-sign Cancer. 

You will meet many new people from all sorts of backgrounds and nations, and many of those will be distinguished, successful types. Ambassadors, judges, professors, businessmen, and other accomplished people will come into your sphere and be quite stimulating. You will socialize much more, and that will please you, gregarious Libra. In your future, you will expand your contacts tenfold, so whenever you leave the house, do so with business or personal cards. Your friends will also help you financially, by giving you tips on buying things below retail, and by giving you persuasive references when you need them. 

Watch for an extremely important social event to dot your calendar July 24, when a friend may go out of his way to help you. This is your golden, lucky day, and the best of all of 2014. If you are doing a charity or community benefit, you will raise an impressive amount of money to help your cause. 

Two days later, the new moon, July 26, will appear in your same social sector and open you up to many invitations and interesting people. Devote late July and all of August for fun, and put career concerns on the back burner for just a little while. The people you meet now can help you on many fronts, including career, so it would be a shame not to use the package of energies the universe has prepared for you! 

Dates to Note: LIBRA 

愛情,會議以及諸多行動的好日子有:7月9, 13, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 以及31日 

Most important dates for love, meetings, or actions on any front for Libra: July 9, 13, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, and 31. 

Mercury goes direct July 1 after having been retrograde since June 7. 

Saturn goes direct July 20, after being retrograde since March 2. 

The first two weeks of July will be superb for finding a prestigious career position. Jupiter in Cancer will help you before moving on to Leo, and the new moon of June 27 will be critical as well - jump on career matters quickly in July. 

Try to stay close to home around the July 4, when you may have an event with family or need to focus on your property that will need attention. 


July 8 may bring about turbulence with your partner when the Sun will be in hard angle to Uranus. Avoid bringing up any sensitive topics around this day. 

The full moon on July 12 will hopefully bring about a conclusion to a difficult or strenuous matter regarding your home or a family member. You may sell a house or buy one, or see a renovation conclude. Important news about one of your parents may come up now too, and it may yield a final answer to a question that has been going on for some time. 

Venus moves into the sign of Cancer on July 18, which will boost your popularity in your career. Use this time to make proposals to VIPs. Venus will provide this boost till August 12. 

Jupiter will join the Sun on July 24 making it the luckiest day of the year. These two luminaries will meet in your house of friendship - get set to see how dearly your friends love you and are willing to go out of their way for you. What you start on this day will have long lasting benefits for the maturation of projects. 

If you hoped to join a club or get involved in social media, you will have your chance in the two weeks after the new moon arrives July 26. A new, close friendship is very likely to develop soon too, and having a new close friend will refresh you in ways you can't imagine. 




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