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轉帖一個學習過傳統 Ho'oponopono的人對零極限的看法。有興趣的人可以去amazon看其它讀者對零極限一書的評價。

Aloha, For about 22 years I am a practitioner of the updated Ho'oponopono-process from Morrnah Simeona, who brings balance and joy in my daily life. So I feel free, to comment this book called Zero Limits.

I do not care that it is a promotion book for activities of the authors. But I care for the legacy of Morrnah. In that view the book does not reflect her genuine teachings, it is mixed up with other ideas, therefore creating a different system - but is referring to Morrnah.

Doing her Ho'oponopono is primarily not what is promised on the cover. Wealth can be a comfortable side-effect. The process is for releasing negative energies out of your mind and the mind of others involved at a given problem. The result is a blessing from the Divine Creator for all involved parties - but which kind is His choice. And Yes, the Way of Morrnah leads step by step to Peace and FREEDOM for you and your family and relatives, for your neighbors and your circle of acquaintances. May be even the landscape around you will have less traffic, more flowers and so on. You and those you are associated with will be on the track of evolution again. But one thing will not happen: It will not lead to Zero. The Divine is not Zero, the Divine is LIFE itself.

To say e.g. to the Unihipili "I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you" are not key phrases of the Ho'oponopono - even they are written on many pages of the book. They work, as you profit from the huge thought forms of LOVE, FORGIVENESS or THANKS. Unihipili - your subconsciousness - is then in a well-feeling vibration, pretending your problems are erased. But not so. Your mind is simply manipulated. These words are a kind of murmuring a mantra, of singing a catchy record. With temporarily effect. Morrnah never taught this sequence. Her way was writing down the problems ... and doing the Ho'oponopono-process. There the words of Love, Forgiveness and so on are used in the context of the whole process - the deciding difference, beside the final erasing.

The proposal that the Divine is a Zero state (page 31) is neither the ancient way of Ho'oponopono nor the modern way of Morrnah. It seems to be the new way of Dr. Stanley Hew Len since a couple of years, based on a misunderstanding of the Void. Void exists as an emptiness of any matter, as space for an Ultraconsciousness beyond all consciousness as Man can be aware of - but it is anything else than Zero. It is - as Morrnah would say - the undefinable Pure. When doing her Ho'oponopono, Divinity will simply cleanse your Unihipili from all (emotional) rubbish what is not you, but it will let untouched this part of your Self-Identity, your ability of having feelings.

It is no surprise for me that the two authors attracted each other: One calls himself "Mr.Fire", the other one is otherwise known as "Haleakala" (House of the Sun). Since some years he changed to "Ihaleakala" (Divine House of the Sun). He is not a master teacher. A master teacher is not working with material labels, magic business cards and the like (page119). They will bring results, but not cleansing. They will become binding fetishes, created out of fear. If s.o. feels free of doing a Mahiki, these labels will be worthless within the twinkle of an eye - all of them.

"I've been told to kill the Divine to be home" (page 172). Did I hear the falling down of a mask from Stan? Will all come out as a Judas-story? In an interview in April 1985 (The Movement Newspaper, L.A., CA), Morrnah said: "By loving ourselves, we are loving the Divine". Consequently if killing the Divine, we kill ourselves. This message helps nobody. Morrnah opened the door for a new partnership between Divinity and Man, Stan seems intending to close this door.

Stan claimed having healed criminals in the Hawaii State Hospital only by looking through the files while murmuring the above sequence "I love you, etc." (page 41). THAT WAS NOT SO. He did the Way of Morrnah: Ho'oponopono-processes, the long form. And yes, for more than three years it was him who humbly did the process of expressing repentance to the criminals and their doctors, asking them for forgiveness, forgiving them and asking Divinity for healing all who are involved. Divinity accepted this altruistic plea and transformed step by step all negative memories and karmic bondages inside him AND inside the others into Light - as it was no accident, that Stan worked in this special hospital from 1983-1987. He was not responsable for these folks, he was the cause.

It might be attractive to get an honorable name from a kind of Guru (page 57/58), but it will not only lead to a longlasting bondage, it will also split your personality. Everybody's choice.

Every moment there are new problems under the sky as you are creating karma, which means: What you do to others (by living up your free will), you will experience on yourself. If you create problems, you will experience problems. You are the cause. Surely from that moment on you KNOW that you are the creator of your life, you are responsable for your future thoughts, words and deeds. You are responsable for the welfare of your Unihipili. But Morrnah never said as written in the book, that you are "100% responsable" of what you did in the past (page 41), because this is both binding and not true. Often others, unknown to you, are also involved. Furthermore it is giving you a feeling of guilt in the neighborhood of the original sin.

If a dog is barking to you, let it bark. It is its way to talk with you. It is its way of feeling LIFE. If it disturbs you, do not stop it by having magic ideas in your mind as proposed in the book (page 153). Again Morrnah would say just cleanse, that and why you are not comfortable with its barking.

You should not try to cleanse the 50 millions, who voted in your mind for the "wrong" president, as proposed in the book (page 168). May be you take over their Karma. Ask for cleansing why you are angry about their vote; Divinity will decide - that is it, what Morrnah would tell you. You are the cause if you are angry.

O ka Maluhia no me oe - Peace be with you, the Peace of I. AND IT IS DONE.


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