
本帖於 2013-08-16 04:04:12 時間, 由普通用戶 小文盲 編輯
回答: 蘇珊米勒 8月 全部完成風麗2013-08-02 15:27:04





悲劇的7月終於過去了, 好在這周和老板開會趕在八月...哦哦~

貌似瓶子下半年普遍沒有上半年來的燦爛, 樓主自己前幾個月倒過的狠刺激, 開心的時候不少, 悲劇的時候也是一抓一把~各種糾結... 希望下半年別過的太差, 能有上半年的平均水平就很謝天謝地啦 O(∩_∩)O~





無論你有沒有準備好,這個月你都需做出一個非常重要的決定,這個決定關乎你的一個非常重要的伴侶. 你可能會見到你的愛人新的美好的一麵,並做好準備將你們的關係拉向更近一層-- 接納對方正式確立關係, 訂婚甚至結婚. 如果你們已經約會了很久, 自然的, 這個月的新趨勢將集中精力於這個浪漫的關係上. 如果你們不開心,有些瓶子可能會分手, 但在這個非常歡樂的月份, 分手的幾率是很小的.


如果你覺得本月不會在戀愛上有所發展,那麽你可能會發展一個新的商業合作夥伴. 你會覺得是時候雇傭一個新的代理商, 經理, 律師, 寫手, 或者簽約一個商業合作夥伴了.所有類親密的一對一的關係會來到第七宮下, 所以八月份會有非常友好的火花相容以及能量產生. 一切都會很順利. ^_^


新月將於八月六號的時候到達獅子座十五度角,將能量付諸於行動. 盡管作為瓶子的你獨立且喜歡獨處, 但你也了解與人親密相處時的快樂. 這次新月將帶給你一個絕妙的的與人相處或者開誠布公的機會. 天王星會與新月形成一個美麗的夾角. 由於天王星引領著第三宮, 奇妙的溝通將會發生. 如果你注意力集中在愛人身上, 你們可能臨時決定來一場短途的城市周邊旅行. 這場旅行將非常愉快. 天王星讓你了解並不是每件事都需要事先進行精密的規劃.


你對你所關注的夥伴進行的思考並不會終止於新月(8月6號)之後的那兩周. 事實上直到新月淡去,也就是8月27號, 火星會運行到獅子座, 並停留在那裏直至10月15號. 代表行動的火星會帶你繼續思考下一步該做什麽.


如果你還沒準備好, 就不一定非要正式確立戀愛關係,訂婚或者結婚. 在星座上, 由於你思想自由, 你總是會占主導. 但是, 從你的星座圖表可以看出, 你其實很在乎其他人的感受. 如果對方很愛你並且想要得到你的承諾, 你會認真的考慮. 作為星座裏的反叛者的水瓶座, 你們特立獨行並有你們自己獨特的氣質, 就算有時候隻是個想法在其他人眼裏也會很背離傳統. 所幸的是, 你知道自己想要什麽,所以親愛的水平, 既然這樣,那麽就請做你自己! 新月降落在獅子座15度, 預示著這個新月的力量非常強大, 會毫無懸念的為諸事帶來好的結果.

如果你的生日在2月3日前後四天, 你將受本次新月影響程度最深. 這同樣適用於上升15度水瓶座, 或者你的誕生星是水瓶座, 天平座或者雙子座. 或者15度白羊座,獅子座和射手座. (最後這句沒大看懂T_T)


現在再讓我們看看滿月-- 8月20日, 它將會降落在水瓶28度角, 並揭示你心之所向之事. 讓我們拭目以待8月20日前後四天裏發生了什麽, 它會明確指明你生命種最看重的是什麽, 或者至少是你現在最珍重的是什麽.


兩個連續的滿月預示相同的事物是非常不多見的, 但這次, 七月發生的事情同樣也會在八月發生. 本次滿月, 我們剛剛提到的, 降落在水瓶座28度角, 接近預示的尾端. 如果你的生日在2月17號的前後五天, 你會非常強烈的感受到本次滿月, 勝於上個滿月. 如果你有出生行星在水瓶, 天平,雙子28度(上下加減5度), 或者白羊,獅子,射手座, 你將發現這個特別的行星(月亮)富有能量.


上個水瓶座滿月在7月22日, 落在初始水瓶0度. 如果你的生日在一月20至24日, 你會感受上個月滿月力量更甚於本月. 同樣的,0-5度上升水瓶, 或者0-5度水瓶,雙子,天平也會感受如此.


本月20日的滿月會更加浪漫, 因為海王星也參與其中, 為其更增加了神秘與浪漫的色彩. 海王星將帶來美妙的社交活動 – 鮮花, 音樂和美麗的人 – 這將非常難忘!


海王星主宰藝術, 所以你可能會完成一個重要的創新項目. 由於海王星也是主宰收入的行星,你會因工作出色,與藝術相關的工作,編程, 科學研究,或與空間相關的工作而得到一筆收入. 海王星同時也關聯著東方藝術, 比如太極, 所以你也可能在這些領域頗獲微名.


無論如何, 這兩次水瓶新月將通過引領你近距離感受你的一個還不確定的愛人而幫助你看清自己真正想要的是什麽. 或者, 你也會深入思考你將如何對待你的一個工作夥伴 – 雇傭或換人. 在滿月之後,你將明確自己該如何行動.


現在,讓我們來看一下你的事業與工作吧. 他們將繼續閃耀, 光輝於夜晚所有其他星星之上. 上個月, 我們有一個非常特殊並且罕見的金三角出現, 將代表著禮物與給與好運木星與代表事業, 成就與報酬的土星第十宮連在一起. 土星與木星也在你代表收入的區域相連. 每個行星都在水相, 並且相互形成120度角, 組成了一個美麗,罕見而燦爛的三角形. 盡管這些行星以及所有其他行星都在移動, 但這三顆(木星,土星和海王星)移動的卻十分緩慢. 所幸,金三角仍然會在八月的前兩周起到積極的作用.




You may want to read about the golden triangle that occurred last month in my last forecast. You can always access my previous month's forecast by scrolling down below the Dates to Note - it is there you will find the link to the forecast for the month that came before the current one.


You will not have any shortage of offers to do new projects, good news whether you work for others, are self-employed, or work on a contractual basis from project to project. With Jupiter guarding your interests in this house, you will likely be given the kind of projects that have legs, leading you to bigger and better things. By November, you may be in line for a major promotion, so keep that in mind as you turn in work now.


Mars is still in your workaday sector, so, clearly in August, the market will be clamoring for your goods or services. This is great news, that it will be a very busy time for you, especially if you have been out of work. Although it is not the time to aim for a position that will be more complex in responsibility and power than your last time, you can find work now if you look for it. August 29 and 30 will bring a superb conversation between Mercury and Jupiter, and fantastic news about a new and very lucrative assignment is likely to come up!


You may not want to take a vacation in August, for if you do, you will lose out on some plum assignments. With Mercury about to retrograde in October, and a lunar eclipse coming too (October 18), October would be your very best month to go away, as long as you nail down the details of your itinerary in advance. Fly in October, and you will miss many of the frustrating delays back home!


Jupiter and Mars' position are considered perfect ones for encouraging good health, so if you have been plagued with a chronic problem or you have something new that has come up, seek the advice of your doctor. Get a second opinion, too. You truly have the right aspects to at least find hope - don't let this month pass without making an appointment or some tests. If you feel fine, you have superb aspects for getting back in condition at the gym. If you start now, you will be the sexiest person on the dance floor come New Years' Eve. Now that's a thought to hang on to!


This month, Venus will come to Libra, an ideal place for Venus to be when you are Aquarius, so mark down August 16 to September 10 as your time, dear Aquarius. Avoid August 26 for any moves that would be related to love or good looks - this could be a nightmare day, when Uranus, the surprise planet will oppose Venus, and none of the surprises that will come up will be good ones! Nevertheless, during the other days when Venus will tour the constellation of Libra, Venus bring out your charms full fold, she will also help you improve your looks. Time to go shopping for new things, dear Aquarius?



This month, although it is August, you will be very busy at work. Clients (or your boss) will bring in lucrative assignments, so you may have to hire a few extra people in your department to get the work done and shipped. Co-workers will be friendly and work well together as a team, even if you anticipated just the opposite reaction! Stepping up your program at the gym will be a good idea, for many aspects in your chart point to it being a wonderful way to reduce stress and build fitness.


The new moon will appear on August 6, and help you build a strong, serious collaboration with the person you are talking with now, or give a commitment to your sweetheart. You will find that you and your partner are on the same page, and that you can reach accord much more easily than you have had in earlier talks. If you are given a contract to sign (in love - say, a marriage license - or for business) as long as you have studied the paperwork with your lawyer, you can sign. Your ruler, Uranus, will help you move forward with your plans rapidly, and pieces of your puzzle should slip into place without inordinate effort.


A situation involving a close relationship (the same one, or a different one) is about to reach critical mass on the full moon in Aquarius on August 20. Things may go well, say, in terms of getting engaged or married, or, as all full moons are prone to do if people are unhappy, bring tension and even a breakup if things have not gone well for some time. On the following day, Jupiter will be in hard angle to Uranus, so a discussion (or more aptly put, a disagreement) with your significant other concerning money and the hours you work may arise - you will have to find an answer.


The full moon in Aquarius on August 20 will be in good angle to Saturn, thankfully, so a suggestion or comment you make may have a positive effect, by bringing on a eureka moment and at long last, a feeling of stability. Your partner seems to surprise you in some happy way at this full moon, so it seems as though you will be ready to take your relationship to the next level. If you will be forging a business relationship or signing any contracts with another person, your negotiation should go smoothly - this full moon is positive.


Neptune will be active at the time of the full moon August 20, so it may spin an evening of enchantment. The event you attend, perhaps on the weekend before (August 17-18) or after (August 24-25), will be sprinkled with pixie dust.


There is another manifestation of Neptune that I should mention (although I wish I didn't have to do so!) Neptune can put you in a dreamy trance, so make sure your optimism is well placed - Neptune may make you overly confident and possibly overly idealistic near August 20 about the person you love. Take your time.


If the new relationship you may be creating with official papers at the time of the new moon August 20 is for business, then do a background check. (Actually, you might ask your lawyer to do one for a romantic relationship too, if you don't know your partner well.). In love, it will always be important to know your partner well, too, and to see how your partner reacts through good times and bad. With Neptune active, you might be filling in the blanks with platitudes that your partner does not quite deserve, simply because your imagination would be add glowing attributes for what you don't quite know. On the other hand, if the partnership is for artistic work, then Neptune's predominance at the time of the full moon makes sense - Neptune is the patron planet of the arts. In that case, the partnership may work out very well. Just in case, be careful.


If you are single or attached, you will have help from Venus in Libra from August 16 to September 11. Venus' job is to amp up your charms, and she's a pro at doing that, as you'll soon see in full effect! The only day to watch out for is August 26, when Venus will oppose Uranus, a bad day for a big talk or to do anything important, like to buy a marriage license - wait for better days!


In the second half of August, just when the clothes for the coming season are entering the stores, browse, for you'll find the most flattering things, and having a few new things will boost your confidence, too. After all, hasn't it been said that confidence is the very best aphrodisiac?



Dates to Note AQUARIUS


Best days for Aquarius, romance and for other things too: August 1, 2, 4, 6, 14-15, August 20, the full moon in Aquarius, plus or minus four days, August 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, and 30.


The energy of August 4 will be superb for you - the Sun will receive a golden beam from Uranus. It's a happy day for you, especially for travel, and you should receive good news, too.


The new moon in Leo on August 6 will help you move ahead with plans to get engaged, married, or to make a business partnership official. You will have approximately ten days in which to act to take full advantage of this new moon. The closer you initiate a plan to August 6 and the few days that follow, the better.

Circle August 14 as a day that ideas you generate will help you stand out - it's a very fortunate day for you, especially for staging meetings or for travel. Your ability to communicate in an articulate manner will be strong, thanks to Mercury in positive angle to Uranus.


Mars will enter Leo on August 27 and stay until October 15. You may find differences between you and your partner at that time, but it's all part of the process of give and take, and is normal. Don't let disagreements worry you if you feel your relationship is strong.


The full moon in Aquarius will bring something of importance to you to fullness, August 20 (plus or minus 4 days).


Venus in Libra will be a plus, from August 16 to September 10. Use that period to spend a little money on yourself - buy new clothes, refine your appearance.


If you discuss or take a position on August 29, the position will likely bring on a feeling of stability.


Sign a contract on August 30, when Jupiter will work beautifully with Mercury.


水瓶座(完) -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (22131 bytes) () 08/03/2013 postreply 11:17:50

希望是各種灿烂啦!我的上半年也隻有纠结啊! -紫色海洋- 給 紫色海洋 發送悄悄話 紫色海洋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2013 postreply 13:36:37
