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回答: 蘇珊米勒2013年4月運勢米爾2013-04-02 07:39:39



Planets in fire sign Aries will blend beautifully with your Gemini air sign Sun, so your friends will be true blessings in many areas of your life, such as in regard to revving up your social life, making travel more fun, and most importantly, friends may help you get ahead in your career. There seems to be nearly nothing a friend would not do for you. Your friends will invigorate you, excite you, and bring you into new entrepreneurial areas. This month your friends will spark ideas in you and make introductions. You've not seen an influence quite like this! 

The month begins on April 1 with the Sun in Aries, in perfect angle to Jupiter in Gemini. This would make a perfect day to see a friend for lunch or dinner, or to travel to another city, possibly to see a client. Your sister or brother may offer excellent help or bring news, so all around, April 1 will be a great day. 

I will admit that the very end of March, on the full moon, March 27, may have brought some difficult news in terms of a romantic attachment. That full moon was one of the angriest new moons of the year, but only if you have a natal planet in a cardinal sign (Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn) found at 7 degrees of that sign, plus or minus five degrees. If you don't have your chart, you probably already know how that full moon worked out for you, with special emphasis on a lover, your child, or even a creative project.

If none of these areas came up for focus within days of March 27, news might still arrive on April 1 or 2. As I just pointed out, April 1 is a great day when the Sun and Jupiter will align in a glorious way. It is possible you may hear mixed news on different fronts and if so, that's typical in life. 

This difficult full moon of March 27 was similar to the one that came by September 29, 2012. You may see a link between the two; the one in September was in Aries, this one is in Libra, in very similar, early degree. There was not much you can do to prepare, because surprise-a-minute Uranus was involved, so you simply had to have kept your antenna up. 

You have a great, possibly romantic (and certainly social) moment April 5 to 7, when Venus and Mars will have their once-every-two-years romantic rendezvous. Each year these two "cosmic lovers" choose a different sign to visit in which to meet. This year, Venus and Mars will meet in Aries in your people / events / hopes and wishes sector. You may be invited to a party (if so, you accept and go!), or you may plan a dinner party that turns out very effervescent. You may be invited out or someone may send you a message in social media that may make you happy and excited. This is a highly magnetic aspect that is sure to bring some sort of social happening where you are surrounded by many happy faces, and if you are not attached, may help you meet someone new. The job of Venus and Mars, when together, is to spark the spark of love! 

The theme that I have been referring to, emphasizing your friendships, casual acquaintances, and making new alliances, will become even more important to you once the new moon of April 10 arrives in Aries, at 21 degrees. This new moon will be conjunct Mars, the action planet, so if you have plans you hope to do with a friend, Mars will help you. Conversely, if a friend asks you for help, you will roll into action quickly. Venus will also be conjunct this new moon, making your popularity very high with people you meet, as well as with people you know. 

If your birthday falls on June 11, plus or minus five days, you will feel, and benefit from, the new moon most. 

This month, on April 12, Pluto will begin to retrograde, so financial matters that involve an insurance payout, court settlement, inheritance, mortgage and refinance plans, bonus, child support, or other similar types of funds, may get delayed or bring a temporary setback. For example, the court may lose your paperwork, or your ex who owes you back child support may temporarily lose his job. If you need to settle a financial matter, or to take action about a major financial matter, do so prior to April 12. 

Here's another important day on your calendar: On April 20, your ruler, Mercury, will conjoin Uranus, turning you into an idea factory! Brainstorm! Also on this day you may hear from a friend quite unexpectedly, and it seems you will find the call exciting. 

Another, even MORE important day for you will be April 23, when Mercury will connect to benefic Jupiter in a very friendly way. This is a day a friend may go out of his or her way for you. Or, you may hear good news from a friend or about a friend. Mercury is the planet of communication, no longer retrograde, so sign a contract on this day, give a speech, appear on a panel, or work on a written document - all with great results! You can also travel quite successfully on this day for any reason and enjoy the results of the trip. 

The opposite will be true over the weekend of April 27-28, when the Sun (ruler of your third house of travel) will oppose Saturn, making it a dreadful day to travel. Over this weekend, your trip would be subject to delays or become quite arduous. If your trip is done for business, it may not produce the profitable results you hope to achieve. This would be a bad time to sign a contract, too. On a personal level, any interaction you have with your sister or brother over this weekend might not go well, as you may not see eye to eye. 

A much better weekend to travel would be June 13-14 when the moon will be in Gemini and conjoin Jupiter, and Venus and Mars will be in loving Aries. 

Now let's turn to more big news of the month, the return of eclipse season. Over the coming weeks we will see three eclipses: a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on April 25, and next month, a new moon solar eclipse in Taurus, May 9, and a full moon lunar eclipse on May 25 in Sagittarius. 

That last eclipse on May 25 will finalize the series of eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius that have been coming by since June 1, 2011. Think back how much your life has changed since June 2011. I will discuss the coming May eclipses next month, but suffice to say, your closest committed relationship will be the meditation near May 25, for an exciting coming together closer (an engagement or marriage?) or depressing breakup. Now let's turn to this month. 

A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio, 6 degrees, will appear on April 25, coming second in a series of eclipses in the Taurus-Scorpio series that started with the first, a solar eclipse November 13, 2012. This new series of eclipses will continue in these two signs every six months until October 23, 2014. 

These eclipses will fall in your sixth house of health, underscoring how important it will be for you to keep watch over your health. Seek medical advice if you should notice anything amiss, and don't feel silly about checking things out. If you do find you have a concern, Saturn will orbit on the moon, so prepare to be very practical and realistic about anything you hear. 

You will have three planets in the house of confinement, so you or a person you are close to may be in the hospital, rehab center, or other medical facility. If you notice anything is wrong, follow doctor's orders down to the tiniest detail. Sometimes something latent is within us that we are not aware of, and it takes an eclipse to draw our attention to it so you can nip things in a bud. 

Taskmaster Saturn's conjunction of the moon suggests that you may have a large bill to pay, because the moon rules your second house of earned income. If you are debating whether or not to get health insurance, the answer is yes, get it, even if you can only afford the most basic insurance offered. 

If you are the one who needs an operation, Pluto's position in your eighth house of surgery and transformation, friendly to the full moon in Taurus and Saturn in Scorpio, and also very warm to the Sun, Venus, and Mars in Taurus, is good news. I cannot see all in your chart from where I sit, so you must make the final decision based on what you are told by your doctor, and the trust you have in him or her. However, from here, things look very good! If you have been going through a long protocol to recover from an illness or injury, this full moon lunar eclipse may bring things to an end at long last, or a new plateau. 

Planets stacking up in the twelfth house suggest that something may come out in the open that has been going on quietly under the radar, secretly. If something is revealed that shocks you, that would sound right. However, if an eclipse finds nothing to reveal, you would hear nothing, as eclipses test the strength of situations and provide full disclosure. 

An eclipse in Scorpio always brings Pluto into the conversation because Pluto is Scorpio's ruler - it's a good sign that Pluto and Saturn and Venus are all well angled to each other. The long-term outcome of this eclipse, although possibly initially surprising or even troubling, would be very positive. 

Alternatively, in regard to this April 25 eclipse, it may not be a health matter that comes up for you or someone close, but rather may center on a work project that will need to be completed. It's possible you are working on a temporary assignment and the project is ending, say, such as what happens when a crew finishes shooting a movie and goes home, awaiting their next assignment. Or, this eclipse may find you hearing that your trusted assistant announces she's leaving, or that your company is about to move to new headquarters. With Saturn conjunct the moon, any project would be draining and arduous, so try to work on your project early in the month so that you don't run out of time later if you need to finish it by month's end (seems so). 

Romantically, your best time of the month will come to you during the first two weeks. Planets in Aries will gather around you, coaxing your friends to act like little matchmakers to help you meet someone new. They will also enliven your life and make you realize how dearly they love you. 

As mentioned earlier, the days when Venus cuddles close to her lover, Mars, for the first time in two years, April 6 and 7, will be your best date nights of the month. (This will be the first time Venus and Mars have met in Aries specifically since 1985.) If you were born on June 10, or within five days of this date, you'll get a double dip of pleasure. 








火星的位置暗示有藥物治療或看牙醫的可能。現在有些事情即將結束,如果你的症狀尚不明顯,海土的良好相位會讓你查清事實。如果 你需要手術,冥王星會給你力量。當然你必須做好自己該做的,選擇你相信的醫生並遵從醫囑。食相會揭露事實,並使人注意到隱藏的情況和信息,或者結束一段長期事情。無論什麽發生都要認真對待,並保持樂觀精神。 




最浪漫的日子: 4月 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13-14, 18, 19, 和 23. 













字好笑,費眼睛啊。 -pfingstenrose- 給 pfingstenrose 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/02/2013 postreply 15:00:47

Ctrl+就可以變大了 -天兒晴了- 給 天兒晴了 發送悄悄話 天兒晴了 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/02/2013 postreply 16:07:14

不好意思,重新貼一下,但還是沒翻譯完 -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (4514 bytes) () 04/03/2013 postreply 04:52:06

蘇珊-米勒2013年4月雙子座運勢 -小文盲- 給 小文盲 發送悄悄話 小文盲 的博客首頁 (8198 bytes) () 04/03/2013 postreply 08:50:50

謝謝翻譯。從2011年6月開始到現在有太多事情發生了。期待新的開始。 -pfingstenrose- 給 pfingstenrose 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2013 postreply 13:20:00



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