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回答: AstroTwins 2012年10月iUSMLE2012-10-05 20:51:26

They say it takes two to tango, Aries—and, this month, nothing could thrill you more. As the energizing Sun moves through two relationship-oriented sectors of your chart, you may just be feelin’ the love. For the first three weeks, the Sun is in Libra, your seventh house of committed partnerships, making you all about the tag team. As a fiercely independent fire sign, you’re bold by nature. Sometimes it’s a delicate balance, reconciling your solo, adventurous agenda with the necessities of partnership. (But, come on, someone has to buy the toilet paper or let the dog out, right?) This month, you want to work it out, listening to your partners in both love and business with a more sympathetic ear.

You’ll be glad you did. On October 22, the Sun moves into Scorpio, your eighth house of intimacy. You’re ready to forge into the deeper aspects of bonding and partnership—a trend that will last well into 2015 (more on that in a minute). You may wake up and have visions of walking down the aisle, realizing you’re suddenly ready to make a long-term commitment. Or maybe sex becomes more spiritual than sport. You can’t help but yearn for the depths of connection: mind, body and soul. Since the eighth house rules joint financial ventures, you could get more deeply involved in a business collaboration too.

The first week of October is action-packed, with sober Saturn bidding its final adieu to your seventh house of partnerships, where it’s been schooling you on commitment for the last three years. Perhaps you’ve weathered a breakup or found yourself getting more serious than ever with your sweetheart. Or maybe you made a breakthrough with a colleague, only after some frustrating spells at work. It doesn’t matter how packed-to- the-gills your schedule is. Make sure you pencil in some time to pause, reflecting on all the relationship lessons you’ve learned since 2009. No matter how tough your travails were, these lessons are gifts—and hard-won gifts at that. If you happened to find yourself lonely, unfulfilled and just overall unprepared to commit, consider how these experiences helped you clear away the debris, forcing you to get honest about what really matters to you. Do not miss the chance to pause and say a silent “thank you” for having learned humility in relationships, even if your ego was knocked down a painful peg. Saturn’s mantra: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

On October 6, Saturn moves into Scorpio, your eighth house of intimacy and joint ventures, until September 17, 2015. When it comes to relating, this heralds a whole new world. It is, as the saying goes, where the rubber meets the road. You’ll feel the adjustment, as Saturn moves from a cerebral air sign to an intense water sign. Let the scales recalibrate, and take heart: You are ready to explore commitment in reality (with deep talks, cohabitation, intense engagement) as opposed to commitment on paper, without your whole heart in the game. Just because something looks good on the outside does not mean that it’s going to satisfy your deepest soul longing. (Yep, we’ve been there, glad not to have ended up married to or in business with that person who seemed so right in theory but was oh-so-wrong in reality.) During this time, you’re about to get up close and personal with what it is you truly desire. Whether you’re merging bank accounts, tying the knot or getting the nursery ready, you’re about to learn what it really means to join forces—and this means getting real about limitations too.

But before we slide down the Scorpio slope, there’s one more dose of harmonious balance: On October 15, a Libra new moon lights up your partnership house. On this day, make a fresh start in a relationship matter that’s been dogging you lately, or plant the seeds for a future business collaboration. If you have to apologize to someone, sit down and write a well thought-out letter. Or pick up the phone, knowing that your purest intentions will be well-received.

On October 6, Mars moves into Sagittarius, your ninth house of optimism, travel and higher education, where it will stay until November 16. Counter the intensity of Saturn’s schooling with an adventurous trek, perhaps to that destination you’ve had on your radar for months. (South Africa? Peru? Norway?) Or maybe you’ll use motivator Mars’ energy to start a business, or enroll in a class or degree program. During this time, you’ll have the extra oomph you need to take action steps and look at the big picture.

The month ends with a Taurus full moon in your second house of work and money on October 29. Since full moons tend to “illuminate” matters, look for news that bolsters your sense of self-worth. You may receive happy word about a new job, perhaps something you’ve been vying for since the April 21 new moon in Taurus. Or maybe you can suddenly see a limitation that’s been holding you back. For example, you could realize that you’re playing small because of an unconscious desire to keep things copacetic with your critical mother. Whatever the hindrance, this is a perfect time to kick it to the curb, Aries-style, and go for the gold.

Love has become a four-letter word to many Aries in the past three years. Chances are, you’ve been seriously schooled in matters of the heart since 2009, as taskmaster Saturn has been touring Libra, your house of committed relationships. This month marks its exit from Libra, and your graduation from this school of hard knocks. You’ve grown up majorly, but for many Aries, it’s not been without a dose of heartache or responsibility. You’ve certainly learned the truth in the adage that relationships are hard work! If you’re in the right one, though, Saturn’s departure will show you what a strong and capable partner you’ve become. And if you’re with the wrong person, it may now feel downright excruciating to stay together—if you didn’t call things off already.

With Saturn moving into Scorpio on October 6, use the first week of this month to take stock, reviewing your lessons learned. Maybe you’ve become more mature in partnerships, turning your battle cry of “What about me?” into “What about us?” You’ve likely seen it all: breakups, make-ups and, if you were lucky, some serious wake-ups. Your famous Aries sisters have definitely been through it: In this time, Jennie Garth and her hubby got a divorce. Aretha Franklin called off her engagement. On a happier note, Mariah Carey and Reese Witherspoon both remarried (and seem blissfully in love).

Perhaps you’ve faced a series of tough lessons that forced you to grow up fast, to the tune of fellow Aries Kristen Stewart’s very public cheating scandal, which ended her relationship with Rob Pattinson (and dashed the dreams of Twi-hards ’round the world). Or, since Saturn rules authority and wisdom, you may have found yourself dating out of your normal age range, perhaps ditching your twentysomething barroom fling for an older or more serious person, one who sends a company car to fetch you for dates. Whatever the case, use this first week of the month wisely, reflecting on where you’ve been (station stops: betrayal, disappointment, immaturity) and where you want to be (the land of the honest and honestly committed).

For those of you who feel left on the side of the road, there’s good news! On October 15, a new moon in Libra, your house of committed relationships, offers a chance to press the reset button on your partnerships. Start fresh with your love life, looking at your relationship (or prospective partners) with new eyes. If your affections have been faltering, this is a great moment to put things back on track. Enjoy a sexy dinner in your torch-lit backyard, cozying up underneath a blanket to gaze at the stars. Think of all the reasons your sweetheart makes you swoon—and then be brave enough to share them. (The smoldering eyes, the scratchy voice…you love it all, so dish!) If you’re single, this is an excellent moment to make a wish or set intentions for the next chapter of your love life. Breathe in the renewed energy, and breathe out relief. Your time for love is here. Use this special day to signal to the universe (as well as your friends, family, OKCupid.com…) that you’re receptive to all the love vibes it has to offer. Or, if there is a special someone you’ve been contemplating extending an olive branch to, now would be the time. Libra, your opposite sign, rules diplomacy; on the day of the new moon, you’ll be feeling like a regular ambassador of good will, unable to keep the overwhelming positivity to yourself.

While many of your relationship issues will clear up with Saturn’s departure from Libra, you’re diving into deeper waters, not washing up on shore. (However, you’ll still feel the relief of not having Saturn in the sign directly opposite yours, a high-pressure placement.) On October 6, mature Saturn moves into Scorpio, your eighth house of intimacy, ramping up the intensity of your love life a notch (or five). Keep in mind that sober Saturn will be here for three years, until September 17, 2015. Pace yourself. This is not the time to rush off to Vegas or City Hall for a quickie marriage (as romantic and lovely as it seems in the heat of the moment). Aries, this is your time to get real about your desires and fears when it comes to ascending the intimacy ladder. How deep are you willing to go? Don’t wait to ask yourself the tough questions. Under this transit, you will not be satisfied with a superficial bond or the mate who has all the proper credentials but leaves your soul wanting. Do the work required to go into even the darkest places, transmuting them into light and self-awareness. You’re a sleuth of sorts, able to ferret out even the smallest issues standing between you and everlasting happiness. If necessary, consider hiring a therapist to get to the bottom of nagging fears about commitment and intimacy.

As much as we all say we want intimacy, there’s a reason it’s scary. It requires eliminating other “options” and making ourselves vulnerable—to heartbreak, rejection, all of the risks of real love. Maybe you need to face the facts: You will experience a loss in taking things to the next level with your honey—the death of your life as a swinging single. Since the eighth house rules soul-merging love, you might just find yourself getting hitched or renewing your vows—but quietly, maybe just in front of a few close peeps. Or maybe you’ll decide to cohabit, a big step that symbolizes your readiness. A pregnancy is also a possible expression of Saturn in Scorpio for you. And yes, so is breakup and divorce. Saturn pulls no punches, so if you got together for the wrong reasons, you’ll no longer be able to fake it. There could be some tough decisions or growing up to do now. If you’ve shut yourself away like the queen in the tower, you may need to bust through emotional blocks that leave you feeling isolated and alone. As much as you may deny it—and insist that you love your own company (which, OK, you genuinely do)—the right person should pose no threat to your autonomy.

The eighth house also rules joint resources, so you may find yourself becoming engaged in fiscal or material matters with your mate. Maybe you and your darling will buy your dream abode. Or you’ll come up with a plan to roll your student loan debt into the joint mortgage. It’s also possible you’ll become the breadwinner in a relationship for a while, as heavy Saturn can make others rely on your resources during this time. Whatever the case, buckle up, Aries! You’re getting down to brass tacks in love and life. The key is not to spread yourself too thin, but rather, to discover the power of focusing on one special relationship.

Review, revise, reconsider! The month begins with expansive Jupiter going retrograde (backward) in your third house of communications and ideas, on October 4. The retrograde lasts until January 30, making these next few months prime time for refining your message. Perhaps you have a cool product that’s not quite ready to launch. Or maybe you’ve been feeling it’s high time to revamp your overall presentation. Your website or marketing materials could be due for an upgrade. Whatever it is that needs a makeover, now’s the time to think deeply about what it is you’re trying to communicate to the larger world. Maybe you wrote a book, but the angle you’re taking when talking to agents is hitting an off note. Instead of furiously firing off another, better cover letter, close your laptop. Take a deep breath. Use this stretch of time to press the metaphorical mute button, and query yourself first: Why does this idea (or project or product) matter? What IS my message anyway? Do an informal focus group before you send out invites for the grand opening. Under these skies, a soft launch—one with friends and family, perhaps—is the better way to go.

Chances are, you’ve been too busy to honestly appraise all that you’ve got going on. In true Aries fashion, you’re probably spearheading at least three different businesses. (Who else could juggle a tech start-up, nutrition coaching and manufacturing a line of yoga wear?) Take your foot off the gas—just for a moment—to consider what image you’re projecting to the world. If it’s not on-point or the absolute best it could be, Jupiter retrograde is the time to whip out your red Sharpie and make corrections.

When energizer Mars enters your house of expansion on October 6, you may return to school to polish your skills. If there’s a degree waving in the wind, grab it with both hands. Enroll in that art history class and earn your credentials once and for all. Or maybe this is the time to make an upgrade to your tech-savviness. (WordPress or PHP lessons, anyone?) Mars will be here until November 16, so take advantage of the enthusiasm your ruling planet brings to expanding your knowledge and, by extension, your perspective on life.

Don’t forget, o charging Ram: Sometimes the most brilliant ideas can come from looking back. Perhaps there is an old idea you shelved, either because it wasn’t ready or because you just didn’t have the time to act on it. Revisit old, half-finished projects and check again. Who knows? That movie or business idea you once thought was stale might just have some gold in it after all. Pick up the phone and reconnect with an old colleague or collaborator who always inspires you to be your absolute best.

On October 6, structured Saturn moves into your eighth house of long-term finances, where it will remain for three years. Brace yourself, Aries. Though challenging, Saturn can act as a “personal trainer,” in this case, helping you flex your fiscal muscles—and build ones you never had. Though it may be a period of trial and error, you’ll learn to make smarter money choices between now and September 2015.

Knowing just when to scale back will become second nature soon enough. Though it sounds tempting to traipse through Southeast Asia for two months or put a down payment on that swank Miami Beach condo, Saturn here will ask you to think twice before pulling out your plastic. During this transit, some five-star opportunities will cross the transom, but there’s a good chance they could be too good (or expensive!) to be true. You must exercise caution, as unappealing as that sounds to impetuous, impulsive Rams. Don’t hand over your life savings to an offer that’s all sheen and no substance. Saturn does not rule windfalls or hitting the jackpot. Quite the contrary: Saturn, as un-sexy as it sounds, rules hard work, paying dues and victories earned by the sweat of one’s brow.

So when it comes to climbing the ladder, stick with “old school” methods. Find your dream investor or a like-minded partner, and interview them, run background checks, leave no stone unturned. Pay your bank a visit and look into getting a low-interest loan, or consolidating debt in a smart way that will actually leave you financially free. Stay away from pyramid schemes, MLMs and network marketing—or if you do dabble in these potential passive-income sources, don’t quit your day job (or try to recruit your nearest and dearest into your downline). Mixing business and personal should be done with the utmost caution while boundary-enforcing Saturn is here. Dedicate a chunk of time to hammering out that business plan and then refining and revising it. As good as it may feel in the moment, being the renegade who demands “your way or the highway” is so not gonna work now. A little elbow grease never hurt anyone, so if you have a lazy or entitled streak, prepare for Saturn to tame it.

A banner day on the work front arrives on October 29, with a Taurus full moon illuminating your second house of values and money. You may receive word of a new gig, one that brings prestige as a result of your hard work. As full moons can bring completion, you may say “sayonara” to a dead-end job and score yourself a better-paying gig. If you find your bank account padded around this time, give yourself a pat on the back, because it’s due to your own persistence, Aries. You may even want to celebrate with a luxurious meal. Whatever fare you choose—top-grade sushi, a six-course Indian dinner—make sure it’s decadent. You’ve earned it.

On October 3, beautifying Venus enters Virgo, your sixth house of health and fitness. It’s time to put some pleasure into your principles. Your spirit will be fed by aesthetically pleasing environments, so maybe you’ll join a pretty, spa-like gym that spares no details: candles in the yoga studio, classical music piped through underwater speakers in the pool. Treat yourself to healthful—and yes, beautiful—fare. No one will appreciate an arame and sugar snap pea salad like you this month, Aries. Get creative and colorful in the kitchen yourself. Make a nutritious corn salad, adding ingredients based on their hues. (Think red heirloom tomatoes, green cilantro, orange peppers.) Bonus incentive? With amorous Venus in your healthy sixth house, you’re simply more attractive when doing activities that support your overall well-being. You might just meet that special someone outside your Pilates class or while checking out root vegetables at the farmers’ market.

On October 29, a Taurus full moon in your second house of daily routines offers a chance to revamp your habits. Since Taurus rules sensuality, think of how you might be able to add more earthly pleasures into your everyday life. Perhaps you might get an account at the local gourmet grocery store, stocking up on truffle oil and choice cuts from the “celebrity” nose-to-tail butcher. One Aries we know indulges in rosemary-flavored toothpaste, because it makes her feel a little decadent (while also being healthy). Small touches like these can help you reap great rewards when it comes to your well-being.



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