
回答: 蘇珊米勒 三媽日運 來自iUSMLE米爾2012-07-05 08:56:17

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 1

The full moon on Tuesday will align with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, your house of seclusion. You might experience profound dreams, conflicts with co-workers, or just an overwhelming need to spend time alone. By Thursday the moon will be in Aquarius, while Mars will be in your house of adventure. You'll feel a jolt of confident energy and a lot more social. If you've been dreaming about traveling, it's time to buy your ticket.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 2

It's not like you to get preoccupied with the past. Usually you have a what's done is done attitude about the things that have come before. And that's not because you're being cavalier, it's just that you were born under the sign of the futurist so you believe that whatever is lost today will be recovered again further down the road. However the moon and Pluto in the most sensitive angle of your chart will bring out a host of anxieties, insecurities, and what-if scenarios that will cast a dark shadow on recent events. You could find yourself suddenly overwhelmed with regrets that grow heavier and heavier with each passing thought. It's important to remember during times like these that the moon is the planet of emotions in astrology and that emotions (like the moon) change their appearance quickly. In other words, this is a passing phase and you really shouldn't spend too much energy dwelling on it. The mood will pass and you will be back to your normally clear-eyed self by tomorrow afternoon.

你不是那種與過去糾糾纏纏的人。對於過去之事你的態度通常是——木已成舟。這並非因為比 較自我,而是水瓶這個星座本身頗具未來性,你相信,隻要沿著這條路往下走,今日之失必會被明日的收獲替代。然而今天,月亮與冥王的緊密合相將帶出你心中不 少的焦慮、不安全感、以及會對近期事件造成陰影的假想場景。你會發現每個一閃而過的念頭都會化作重重悔意將你越來越湮沒。這種時候你必須記得,月亮在占星 中代表著我們的情緒,月有盈虧,情緒也瞬息萬變。換句話說,這終將過去,你實在無需花費過多精力來思考。明天下午便會回到正常的清醒狀態了。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 3

If you've been struggling with anxiety or a personal problem recently, today's full moon might provide the release you've hoped for. It'll be an excellent day to seek the advice of a trusted counselor or other professional, as you'll have the potential to free yourself from this trouble once and for all. Also, you'll have an enhanced ability to defend your beliefs and opinions. Just remember to respect someone else's viewpoint, even if it doesn't echo your own.

如果你最近在焦慮感或個人問 題中苦苦掙紮,今天的滿月可能帶來期盼中的解脫。今天非常適合向你信得過的顧問或其他專家尋求建議,很有可能你會一勞永逸地把自己從麻煩事中解救出來。同 時,你捍衛自身信仰和觀點的能力也得到加強。不過記得也要尊重他人觀點,即便它與你自己的並不一致。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 4

Words may fill your head and ideas may flow through you like electrical storms, filled with promise and opportunity. This would be an ideal time to try and capture some of that creativity. It might be that you are working on writing proposals and seeking outside support for your projects. This may also be an especially fruitful time for making a romantic connection. A casual conversation with someone may turn into something far greater as the association unfolds.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 5

Although you'll feel more emotionally open, your partner may not be as receptive to this as you'd hoped. In fact, he or she more than likely will encourage lighthearted conversation, rather than an exchange of deep sentiments. You might not be interested in these discussions, and you also may feel as if your mate isn't honoring your feelings. Try not to take this personally. You'll clearly convey more sensitivity today.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 6

It may appear to be out of context, but the power of your light-heartedness may be in top form. It might be that your wit is especially well-tuned and you are able to make great and quick connections that bring laughter to your entourage. This type of feeling also works well for corresponding with kindness toward others. It may be that you want to dash off a quick note to someone you care deeply about. It may brighten his or her day.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 7

You might decide to spend time today working on a plan to market your talents. Preparation without any distraction will be necessary for your concentration. You'll realize the benefit of testing different strategies without having anyone else offer an opinion. Do not allow any worry that this plan may not work. This will put you on the right track.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 8

Things will be rushed on Monday if you are asked to file or to get your paperwork in ahead of an agreed-upon deadline. Do the best that you can because having materials dated by Wednesday will be immensely important when you revisit this matter in mid-August. Meanwhile a client whom you thought was ready to come on board will wiggle free and bolt on Friday. It will be hard to let this person go, but do it. There will be a bigger and better client in the fall. Finally a personal dream might turn into an organizational nightmare on Saturday. Your first impulse will be to take over, but don't. You delegated this to a friend or co-worker and you need to stand by that. People won't learn to do for themselves if you're always running in last minute to save the day. Staying out of it is the best vote of confidence that you can give.

若你被要求在商定的截止日期之前 準備好所需文件,那麽周一會有些倉促。這件事上需要竭盡全力,因為八月中旬又會重遇,屆時你便會知道周三之前搞定這些材料有多麽重要。一位本以為板上釘釘 的客戶將會在周五動搖,勸其回心轉意的過程縱然艱難,還是去做吧。將會有一位更大更好的客戶在秋天出現。最後,周六時一個個人夢想可能變成組織的噩夢。你 的第一反應是接管過來,但不要。你可以授權給朋友或同事,自己旁觀就好。如果你總是在最後一秒跑來挽救大局,別人就永遠學不會自己的事要親力親為。保持局 外就是你能給到的最好支持。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 9

The moon will be with ruler Uranus today, firing up your communication sector. While you will be open to many ideas, you'll also be willing to share your own. You could spend time debating with others about politics or even important personal issues. Don't be surprised if unexpected guests drop by or you decide to visit a relative on the spur of the moment. Today promises lots of spontaneity, so free yourself to enjoy it.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 10

Use this perfect day to sign a contract or make an important deal - whether business related or personal. Not only will you find it easier to collaborate with someone and to agree on terms that are mutually beneficial, you will also get the sense that your alliance with this person will be completely positive - and rightly so! Communication with a partner will be affirmative, so be sure to make the most of this brilliant energy.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 11

If you feel the tug of creativity, this would be an excellent time to give in to it and see where it takes you. Working closely with your partner might provide a unique opportunity to share your talents. Redecorating might prove a great outlet for your combined interest. Maybe just a simple step in the right direction would be all that you require to feel alive and refreshed.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 12

You might feel a stronger desire to nest and enjoy time in solitude. Although you may initially believe this will be difficult to achieve, it'll surprise you to see how your schedule clears up in order to support this need for quiet time. Even if you decide to do nothing else except putter around the house, the fact that you'll have a chance to be alone with your thoughts will feel priceless and rejuvenating.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 13

This should be an excellent time to express yourself in a grand or unique manner. You may be called upon to bring your particular expertise to a group of interested parties. This may include a unique opportunity to express your views in a most unorthodox forum. It may be that you are in the process of preparing a presentation for a training session. Traveling may also be part of your agenda, so keep your bags packed and your eye on flight schedules.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 14

Today you'll be able to express yourself in a very powerful way. The moon will be sparking with talented Venus in Gemini, your house of creativity. You may find just the right words to uplift others or even yourself. A book title, a marketable idea, or just deciding to focus on your passions instead of the ordinary are promising. If there's a song in your heart, sing it. If there's story inside, share it. The best part - you'll inspire others when you do!


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 15

This week, love will be in the air. Mars will make a brilliant link to Jupiter, now in your romance sector, in the early part of the week. If you circulate, you may make an exciting love connection with someone who has a background quite different from your own. Later on Tuesday, you might feel tension between you and a mentor, professor or boss. Easy does it - this will blow over soon, if you are careful. The new moon on July 19 will herald a time to attend to your health and fitness, and if you devise a new plan and begin at this time, you'll have great things to show for your efforts.

這是愛意盎然的一周。本周早些時候,火星與浪漫宮裏的木星形成絕妙的拱相。如果你保 持社交狀態,可能會興奮地結識某個背景與你截然不同的人。周二,你可能感覺到與導師/教授/上司之間的緊張。放輕鬆,很快就會平息了,如果你小心謹慎的 話。7月19的新月開啟一段關注自身健康的時期,如果你有新計劃準備在這期間實施,努力的成果將會非常之惹人注目。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 16

All forms of communications are highly likely as your mind strings together unusual connections and unexpected liaisons. Chance meetings and synchronistic events will come along at lightning speed. If you can capitalize on these flashes of chance, you should do well. It would be wise to remain nimble and fleet since the faster you can adapt, the easier it will be to reap the rewards of such unusual interludes. Many times these occurrences seem random, but somehow there is an underlying logic to them.

各種交流方式都極為可能,因為你的腦海中正把一些不同尋常的聯係和意想不到的聯絡人都串聯起來。機會和同步 事件將以閃電速度結伴到來。如果你能利用這些一閃而過的機遇,就能做的很好。這時最好保持靈活,因為適應地越快,就越容易從中收獲回報。很多時候這些事件 看起來似乎很隨機,但其實是有其潛在邏輯在裏麵的。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 17

Your sweetheart might surprise you with an opportunity to travel abroad or participate in a new adventure that involves sports or something spiritual. You can expect it to draw you closer together and provide a welcome boost of intellectual expansion and fun. Later this afternoon, you'll possibly stand up for your convictions in a certain situation, so much that it may come across as self-righteous. Try to remain open to alternative perspectives.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 18

You might expect to have an odd batch of correspondences as your communications sector will host the quirky and unpredictable planet, Uranus. It may very well be that you have been in search of educational programs to bolster your skill set. Low-visibility grants and other forms of aid could provide a unique opening into a whole new world of possibilities for your career. A little bit of research and digging could help you to uncover these hidden gems.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 19

If you're looking for a new job or freelance assignments, start sending out resumes and going on interviews. For the next two weeks, you'll have the benefit of a wonderful new moon in your workaday sector, supporting you in your efforts to find more work. Although Mercury is retrograde, this new moon will still benefit you. You might go back to a previous workplace and if so, the second time around may prove to be a perfect fit.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 20

If weeks ago you were turned down for a job or project, it will be strange to discover that that no has been turned into a yes. Nobody will say anything, but you will have a pretty clear idea of who pulled some behind-the-scenes strings. It's flattering, but unfortunately this will also create a dilemma because it conflicts with plans made in the interim. Nevertheless you will have to find a way to make both work. You don't want to appear ungrateful to someone who believes that he's doing you a good turn.

如果你在幾周前求職/項目被拒,現在可能會莫名地發現,那聲no居然變成了yes。沒人會說些什麽, 但你心裏非常明白幕後推手是誰。這種舉動雖然很討好,可惜會令你陷入兩難,因為與你目前的計劃相悖。但你還是不得不找到一條兩全之策,因為某人認為自己這 是幫了你一把,你不想讓這個人覺得你不知感激。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 21

You'll be in the mood to support others and be supported by them. The Sun will enter Leo today, your house of relationships, creating an easy flow between you and others. This will not be a good day to be by yourself, so make plans for a get-together. A team sport or night on the town could prove entertaining and rewarding. You'll feel affectionate, and there will be a good chance to meet someone new or improving an existing relationship.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 22

Early in the week you might renegotiate terms on a publishing or broadcasting deal with your agent or other representative. Whatever you go over now will likely prove to benefit you, so don't worry about voicing your honest opinion. On Tuesday it's likely that you and your spouse or partner will talk about ways you can reignite the sparks of love. You might even visit the place you went to on your first date - you'll enjoy reliving those memories together.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 23

An opportunity to state your deepest thoughts may come about quite unexpectedly. This may be one of those moments when you truly show your hand. Your partner may be surprised by your forthright candor and transparency, but the situation may serve you quite well in the long run. The same may be true coming from your partner, so don't be surprised by a rather intriguing conversation. This rare opportunity may provide valuable insight into motive and desire.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 24

Today you'll face a major money decision. There are so many things your heart desires, but you can only afford so much. Do you buy a new car, save your money for a rainy day, or spurge on a family vacation? Take advantage of the reliable Sun in your house of partners before you decide. There's a good chance someone close will talk you out of acting on impulse and help you make the perfect decision.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 25

If you need to renegotiate anything with your partner, today will be an excellent time to initiate a discussion in the hopes that it will lead you to the terms you want. This energy will apply to your personal life, but in business you'll also have a fantastic edge. Mercury is traveling retrograde in your partnership sector and will make a brilliant link to Uranus, now in your message sector. Expect a surprising yet positive conversation.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 26

Your challenge at work or home today will be to connect the dots between local and long distance activities. You may spend a great deal of time making reservations for your summer vacation and fall educational arrangements. Finding necessary supplies for work or home through nearby sources could be challenging, but purchasing through the Internet will delay your plans. You have many options for recreation now as your social life should be bursting with possibilities near to home and also far away - where your heart is.

今天你在工作或生活上的挑戰是如何將本地和遠距離活動聯係起來。你可能 花上許多時間為暑假和秋季入學安排聯絡預約事宜。從附近搜尋所需資源可能有難度,但從網絡上購買又會耽誤進度。休閑娛樂的選擇多多,社交活躍度看漲,處處 都有可能性,無論在家附近還是遠方——你的心之所在。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 27

An intimate but unexpected conversation between you and your partner might open up new possibilities. You may be amused at the treat that emerges. You might find yourself delivering big, bold statements of the most profound nature that surprise even you. This could be the start of something quite powerful and game changing. It might be wise to check back in a few weeks.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 28

It may feel like it's your job to keep everyone on track, but it's not. People are going to do what they want to anyway, so you're better off stepping to one side and letting things play out on their own. Co-workers will discover soon enough (probably by the middle of next week) that the game looks quite different when they're in the thick of the action than when they are on the sidelines commenting on it. This will put them in a better place to listen to what you have to say instead of question it.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 29

This week you may make surprising headway in regard to a negotiation or contractual matter with a business partner or spouse. Just remember not to sign on the dotted line until after August 8, when Mercury has turned direct. Tuesday should be an outstanding day, when an emerging development will be too exciting and too potentially profitable to ignore. Start talks, but go slowly so that you can see details unfold naturally, without rushing. The rest of the week promises to be increasingly special for you, for the full moon in Aquarius, powerful for four days after it appears, and will bring something of great importance to you to fruition. It will be a major moment, and one that seems likely to bring a great feeling of joy.

本周你會與商務夥伴或伴侶就協商或合同事 宜取得驚人進展。隻是須記得8月8日之前別簽字,水星順行之後再簽。周二是特別的一天,某個發展非常之令人興奮和有利可圖,想忽略都難。展開談話,但慢點 行動,這樣你就能自然地看到展開的細節,不必著急。本周接下來的時間對你來說極其特別,因為滿月發生在水瓶座,持續影響之後四天,某些對你有重大意義的事 情將走向成熟。這是很重要的時刻,可能為你帶來很大的歡愉。

Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 30

The stage may be lit up in your romance sector as the Sun and Mercury join forces there to shine a light on you. If you attend a party or other event, you may find someone who has a lot in common with you. You may be surprised how quickly you hit it off. These are the best kinds of surprises. With Mercury in retrograde, make certain you get the right phone number or email address. It may be wise to have a few business cards along with you.


Horoscope for Aquarius: 7月 31

What would be better than finding that right person as a helper? Today might be the day when you connect with that special one who is a part of a group that helps you thrive. The Sun in your partnership sector will be in exact aspect to ruler Uranus in your house of communication. Don't waste a minute of your day trying to do things you can't accomplish alone. Once you ask for help, you may have your pick of willing helpers.



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