如果你的生活太龐大(開銷太大),周二的滿月可能帶來一個現實的檢驗。月亮還有冥王星將與太陽成困難相位。滿月總是帶來結束,所 以現在是個理想的時間停止消費並且開始儲蓄。不過,不是說要結束你的娛樂生活。火星將在同一天進入你的社會宮,所以計劃一個自然的冒險或者變換一下讓別人 買單吧。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 1
If you've been living too large, Tuesday's full moon may bring a reality check. The moon will be with Pluto, at odds to the Sun. Full moons always bring endings, so it's a perfect time to stop spending and start saving. Still, there's no end to your fun. Mars will enter your social sector on the very same day, so plan a nature adventure or let someone else pick up the tab for a change.
你做的每件事情都充滿了你高手的挑剔。你不是一個能輕鬆接受批評的人而且過去的幾周當你 嚐試包容他們說的每件事時,一直就像在聽指甲劃過黑板的聲音那樣刺耳討厭。今天看上去是為你提高工作業績最終接受讚揚的時候了。一部分射手可能仍會感覺刺 痛和憤懣,但是絕大多數的射手將洋溢著自豪與驕傲。這是件好事,而且是一個當之無愧的勝利。升級你的遊戲並不容易——尤其是你多年一直苦心經營的東西,但 是每個人,某種程度上在事業中都會有此一劫。事實上你樂意寬心一搏,並且現在看到,它是最好的選擇將為你提供未來幾周的輝煌。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 2
You've had your fill of superiors nitpicking everything you do. You are not one to take criticism lightly and the past few weeks have been like listening to nails on a blackboard as you tried to incorporate everything that they said. And it looks like today is when you will finally receive praise for improving your job performance. Part of you may still feel a twinge resentful, but most of you will glow with pride. This is a good thing and a well-deserved triumph. It isn't easy stepping up your game - especially if it's something that you have been doing for years - but everyone has to at some point in their career. The fact that you were willing to give it a go and now see that it was for the best will serve you splendidly in the weeks to come.
如 果你聽到某個收入來源即將結束的消息,試著別太感覺心疼。相反,把它看作一個黃金契機,因為你將有能力培養出你可能在過去一直沒能得到充分發展的天賦,並 且可能會把它培養成賺錢的能力。今天火星將進入你的朋友宮,所以使用你這份新生的能量到網絡社區上去最大化你增長的潛力。你可以通過入會加盟來進行自我推 銷。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 3
Try not to feel too distressed if you hear news about a source of income coming to an end. Instead, see it as a golden opportunity, as you'll have the ability to cultivate a talent you might not have fully developed in the past and possibly nurture this into a money-maker. Mars will enter your friendship sector today, so use your newfound energy in social networking to maximize your growth potential. Self-promote through your affiliations.
當你的重要關係介入到你的日常生活並為你帶來一些簡單的快樂時,一個溫馨和 喜人的日子將等待著你。通常那都是些小事情但卻是最重要的。可能是你將發現你夥伴/伴侶的新的方麵,可能是一個哲理上的討論或其他崇高的談話主題將令你斬 獲一個新見解。可能你的夥伴/伴侶有著那令你難以察覺的天賦而你直到現在才發現。你會感覺安心的並且你們會在創意項目中更加緊密的在一起工作。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 4
A warm and welcoming day will await as the significant relations in your daily life step in to bring some simple pleasures. Often it's the little things that matter the most. It may be that you'll discover new facets of your partner. Maybe a discussion on philosophy or other lofty topic will allow you to gain a new perspective. Maybe your partner has hidden talents you rarely saw until now. This may feel quite reassuring and allow you to work closely together on a creative project.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 5
You'll have a greater chance for success in any negotiation or conversation if you speak from the heart rather than exclusively sticking to the facts and ignoring personal emotion. At the same time, however, you'll need to achieve a delicate balance, so be certain that you're not overlooking vital facts simply because your personal feelings may contradict them. Try to maintain a balance between intellect and feeling.
和 聽上去的一樣狂野,今天將是出色的一天來和你的伴侶一起烘個蛋糕。星相組合十分有利於你和你重要的另一半玩些浪漫遊戲。可能是一場枕頭戰或隻是一起聊天就 可以奏效。你可以看到一個合作項目對你兩都有利。其他的娛樂點子可能是去遊樂園或一些能帶著孩子和你們一起出去的戶外活動。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 6
As wild as it sounds, today would be an excellent day to bake a cake with your partner. The alignments are ideal for playful romantic fun with your significant other. Maybe a pillow fight or perhaps just chatting together might do the trick. You may be looking into a joint project that would be rewarding for both of you. Another fun idea would be to go to an amusement park or some other outdoor activity that brought out the child in you both.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 7
The urge to spend time with a relative today may prove to be profitable as well as enjoyable. You and your family member might find yourselves looking over an old family collection or other heirloom. This time, however, the thought may occur to have it appraised to see if it's worth more than you realize. You might be pleasantly surprised.
當 你周圍的人們正迷失著他們自己,本周你的內心可能會相當複雜並且那將取決與你所堅持的信念。如果你是單身,在周二,你所尋求的某人可能會開始表現出相當的 冷漠,而且從表麵上看是毫無來由的。給你的愛人一些空間並直到8月,你們的結合將會有所改善。現在你生命中的其他關係也給你帶來些訊息。在周四,一個朋友 或兄弟姐妹可能會就他或她的搖擺不定的關係帶來一些戲劇化的消息,並向你征求建議。如果你結婚了,你的配偶可能會突然需要幫助。正如你看到的,每個人都需 要一個充滿慈愛與力量導向的燈塔。積極的去看待這個信號吧,那就是當某人接近並親近的渴望著舒服跟合理的建議時,你就是那個被呼叫的對象。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 8
Matters of the heart may get very complicated this week and it will be up to you to keep the faith while those around you are losing theirs. If you are single, someone you're seeing may start to act strangely distant on Tuesday, for no apparent reason. Give your sweetheart a bit of space and by August, your alliance will likely improve. News about relationships in the lives of others will come to you too now. On Thursday, a friend or sibling may relate dramatic news about his or her vacillating relationship and seek your advice. If you are married, your spouse may suddenly need support. As you see, just about everyone will need to be a lighthouse of energy and kindness. See this as a positive sign, that, when someone near and dear is craving comfort and sound advice, you are the one to call.
盡管你可能正想做出改變,把目標擱置一旁,現在就來點消遣。隨著月亮聯接著天 王星在你的浪漫與娛樂宮,是時候放縱的讓你自己歡樂一下。今晚就計劃個約會或參加一個體育遊戲。你和你的伴侶關於以後將有很多的話題可聊。如果你正單身, 一定要出去走走。現在你可能會遇到某個有戲的人。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 9
Although you may be thinking about making changes, put goals aside for now and have fun. With the moon connecting with Uranus in your house of romance and pleasure, it's time to indulge and entertain yourself. Plan a date or attend a sports game tonight. You and your partner will have lots to talk about afterwards. If you're single, make sure to be out and about. You might meet someone promising now.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 10
You'll be in an extra positive mood today. As a result, you'll likely inject your sweetheart with a healthy dose of your optimism during a conversation. If you notice he or she has been feeling deflated lately, you'll know exactly what to say now to help lift your love out of this temporary slump. You'll remind him or her that with a little creative energy, faith and work, anything is possible.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 11
You might enjoy a pleasant conversation with your best friend or partner. This type of activity strongly supports common themes and ideals. You may have a discussion about lifestyles and values that resonates with both you. This encounter and the information you receive may leave you feeling quite comfortable and relaxed. These feelings are often mutual, and you may provide as much comfort as you get.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 12
You'll have a gorgeous edge if you're looking to nab an extra work assignment or second job. The potential to earn more money through work will be spectacular, and if you have any chance to seize a new project, be sure to do so. If you're currently in the midst of negotiating salary for a freelance job you might have an opportunity to consider an offer that allows you more compensation than you previously anticipated.
當 你尋找新的機會和項目時,商業合作可能被證實為是一個無價之寶。在這段令人興奮的時期,你可能會跟一位特別聰明的合作者或者一個客戶合作。創新之舉似乎是 你最近首屈一指最感興趣的事情之一。你可能正遊走在獲得一個新客戶或與眾不同的產品發行的邊緣。你的商業直覺告訴你關於跟一個親密合作者一起工作的感覺是 什麽?這個人可能會十分不同哦。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 13
Business alliances may prove invaluable as you will seek out new opportunities and projects. You might collaborate with an especially clever colleague or client during this exciting period. Innovation does seem to be high on your list of interests lately. You may be on the brink of obtaining a new client or new product launch with a unique advantage to others. What does your business sense tell you about working with a close associate? This person might the difference.
今天可 能是本年度最有趣的一天。月亮和金星及木星在雙子座,你的關係宮。是的——你將準備好做出承諾或者發現一個你能信任的伴侶。但是最棒的地方可能是你相信愛 情並且準備體驗它所給予的一切賞賜。沒有比現在更好的時候和你所愛的人一同慶祝了,或者嚐試一下由朋友為你設定的初次見麵的相親約會。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 14
Today could be one of the most fun-filled days all year. The moon with be with Venus and Jupiter in Gemini, your house of relationships. Yes - you'll be ready to make a commitment or find a new partner that you can trust. But perhaps the best part is that you believe in love and are ready to experience the rewards it offers. There couldn't be a better time to celebrate with the one you love - or try a blind date and let a friend set you up.
周一,你還是有種感覺很想出去走走,盡管你剛剛度過完一個周 末,前進吧——保持社交。周一將是個不錯的日子做這些事情,而且情況將是相當的好。不幸的是,到周三,陰雲籠罩。跟其他的朋友或跟你約會對象的憤怒對抗可 能會導致你的情緒跌入穀底,這都得怪火星和天王星的對衝。如果真的發生了,那絕不是一時的原因可能由來已久了,看你如何感受了。金錢一直是最近關注的焦 點,但是7月19日的新月將幫助你發現更多實質。卷起袖子向世界證明你要動真格的了(勤奮工作大幹一場)。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 15
On Monday, you still will feel like getting out and about, and although you've just had a weekend, go ahead - keep socializing. Monday will be a good day to do so, and things will go so well. Unfortunately, by mid-week, dark clouds may pass through. An angry confrontation with another friend or someone you are dating may lead to a falling out, due to the opposition of Mars and Uranus. If this happens, it's because it has been a long time coming. See how you feel. Money has been a concern lately, but the new moon July 19 will help you find substantially more. Roll up your sleeves and show the world you mean business.
當 木星將穿行到你生命中的關係宮時,你的重要關係可能正開始變成陽光燦爛的日子。木星傾向於帶來豐富多彩和積極樂觀。所以密切關注這個領域發生的事情將會是 明智的。可能是你將得到一個大大的驚喜。娛樂消遣和不尋常的旅行將特別受青睞。創意活動也可能相當的特別,如果這些活動能跟前兩者有某種不尋常的互動的 話。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 16
Your significant relationship may be starting to shine as Jupiter will travel through that sector of your life. Jupiter tends to bring abundance and optimism, so it would be wise to pay attention to events that occur there. It might be that you are in for a wonderful surprise. Amusements and unusual excursions are especially favored. Creative endeavors are also quite likely particularly if they have a rather unusual angle to them.
如 果你參加一個社交功能的網絡互動或工作相關事件的話,你可能將締結一段有前景的商業聯盟。你遇到的人可能是有益的,即使你們不是正式的合作關係,所以確保 一定要參加任何社交活動的邀約。同時,如果你和你的夥伴間有任何嫉妒方麵的問題,事情可能會達到一個頂點。你將需要做決定這段友誼是否還有救了。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 17
You possibly will forge a promising new alliance in business if you attend a social networking function or work-related event. People you meet likely will be beneficial, even if you don't partner up officially, so be sure to accept any invitation to socialize. At the same time, if there has been an issue of jealousy between you and a pal, things may come to a head. You'll need to decide whether or not this friendship is salvageable.
一段創意軌跡可能正挑戰你兌現一個明顯臨近的最後期限。你的商業夥伴可能對你的成果 有很高的期望,而你的感覺可能就像在火盆上行走一樣。同理這會是個相當鼓舞人心的契機。所以這是個理想的時機崛起和尋找方法來趕上最後期限。如果你正和其 他人一起朝著一個目標努力,集合他們的意見並作為合作者一同前進將是明智的選擇。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 18
A creative streak may challenge you to deliver on a crisp deadline. Your business pals may have high expectations of your output and you could feel as if your feet are to the fire. This can be incredibly inspiring by the same token, so it may be the ideal opportunity to rise to the occasion and seek to meet the deadline. If you are working with others toward a goal, it would be wise to gather their opinions and move forward as collaborators.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 19
It'll be a magnificent day to schedule a meeting with your accountant or financial advisor to discuss new investment opportunities. Mercury is now retrograde, so you shouldn't sign any contracts that bind you to anything just yet, but a glorious new moon will fall in the area of your chart that has to do with shared resources. This signals that the potential is ripe to explore ways to enhance your assets.
希 望就像瓶中信一樣——某個你投擲到命運的海洋裏但不指望能再次遇見的東西。這就是為什麽要過了那麽久才會看到事態進展的原因,今天就是宇宙對你幾周前傳送 出的請求的回應。這可能是一個電話回複,讓你去麵試的邀請,或者來自一個正單身的朋友的朋友的語音電郵。不管怎樣,知道行星們正關注你感覺真的很不錯!
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 20
Hope can be like a message in a bottle - something you toss out on the seas of Fate but don't really expect to see again. This is why it will take a while to recognize that developments today are the universe's response to that request you sent out weeks ago. This could be a call back, an invitation for you to come interview, or a voice mail from that friend of a friend who's recently single. In any case it will be nice to know that the planets are watching over you.
今天你將感覺充滿了刺激和 冒險。任何普通的事情都不能讓你滿意。你可能渴望異域美食,音樂或跨文化交流。如果是這樣,計劃假期活動吧,去博物館看個展覽,或者試著去遊客們去的地方 消遣。今天太陽將進入獅子座,你世界圖景的宮位,不過你將有一整月的時間去探索新的領域並且比你所知的要學到更多。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 21
You will feel up for excitement and adventure today. Anything normal will not satisfy you. You may crave exotic foods, music or a cross-cultural exchange. If so, plan a vacation, attend a museum exhibit, or try to hang out where the tourists are. The Sun will enter Leo, your worldly sector today, but you'll have a full month to explore new territories and learn more than you already know.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 22
If there's a media appearance on the docket for you this week, you'll absolutely shine! It's likely that whatever speaking engagement or interview you have scheduled is one you've done before so you'll have even more confidence this time around. On Tuesday you and your spouse or partner will likely take a second look at a joint financial matter and resolve it once and for all. You'll feel more comfortable with shared resources once this decision is settled.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 23
You may head off to foreign ports quite by surprise. A potential collaborator might need your advice. The call of the road may feel quite natural to you and the excitement of moving never seems to tire you. This may be an excellent time to see what kind of connections you can make while en route. Uranus, the planet of surprises, may urge you to seek out new contacts.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 24
True to your sign you're not one to sweat the small stuff or worry much about how things will work out. Today you'll be tempted to go with the flow, instead of resorting to micro-management, and rightly so. Jupiter and Venus, in your partnership sector, will make today all smooth sailing. If you come across a challenge you can't figure out by yourself, it will be easy to find someone that can.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 25
You might enjoy a stimulating conversation with someone who has a background quite different from yours. This person possibly will be from another part of the world or might practice a religion you're not entirely familiar with. You'll enjoy learning more about your differences and during your chat, you may even discover that this person has something quite valuable to teach you that will help add more adventure to your life.
今天你可能猶豫不決你的那些機會和選項,這可能跟個 人成長的事件相關或者陷入困局的家庭或家人有關。也可能你已經感覺被其他涉及其中人們誤解。考慮到你可能能夠最終實現你的目標但卻不是同時實現所有。那就 羅列出它們的重要性並開始從列表最高處的第一個開始,而其他的將變得對你更有幫助。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 26
You are likely to be undecided today over your opportunities and options. This can be related to a matter of personal growth or a confusing situation connected with home and family. It's also possible that you already feel misunderstood by the other people involved. Consider that you may be able to realize your goals eventually but not all of them at the same time. Prioritize these by their importance and arrange to start at the top of the list, and others will become more helpful.
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 27
Your recent burst of creativity may require funding or an angel investor to really get moving. You may be in hot pursuit of such resources. If you have to travel to find that backing, you may be inclined to take that on. Ultimately it may pay off handsomely. You could be on a mission as long as you verify the flights.
你的天性就是愛做大夢。但是正因為你會設想 卻不意味著你將實現它們,這是你用來宣泄抒發的地方。注意今天你的某個親人將不得不說些什麽。他們可能會質疑你的那些夢想——指出它們是多麽的不切實際或 者在你實施它們的時候存在一些問題,但是他們還會在你身邊。不妨征求他們一些意見,你會對那些你得到的十分有用的建議印象深刻的。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 28
It is in your nature to dream big. But just because you can visualize doesn't mean that you will actualize, and this is where you could use a sounding board. Pay attention to what loved ones will have to say today. They may question your dreams - pointing out that they're too pie-in-the-sky or that you have a problem with following through on them, but they will still be in your corner. Ask them for ideas and you will be impressed by the useful advice that you receive.
你 是天生的領導家麽?本周你可能證明你具備某種聚集一個夢之隊並激發你的組員為了一個驚人的勝利而做些什麽的能力。你現在可能發現一個超棒的機構或慈善組織 來引導你的能量,並立刻感到下屬還有同輩人的強烈支持與尊敬。周三,你可能完成一部寫作的文本,或者你可能徹底完成一個旅行或談判。一周多一點,水星就將 結束逆行——在8月8日,在那之前,別簽什麽書麵協議或買任何電子產品或昂貴品。你將會很高興你的退縮的。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 29
Are you a natural leader? This week you may prove that you have what it takes to assemble a dream team and enthuse your crew for a stunning victory. You may find the perfect organization or charity to direct your energies now and, in short order, feel a strong sense of support and respect from subordinates and peers too. On Wednesday, you may complete a written document, or you may finish up a trip or negotiation. In one more week, Mercury will be finished being retrograde - August 8 - so until then, don't sign any papers or buy anything electronic or expensive. You'll be glad you held back.
這可能是個相當繁盛的旅 行時期,為了商務或為了消遣。你可能打造一個不尋常的連接,當你以你的方式環球旅行時。與之關聯的,合作項目和其他的互利協議在這片天空下也備受青睞。隨 著討厭的水星也摻了一腳(它老人家可在逆行),要特別留意你的期望值,尤其是如果它們看上去好的讓人難以置信的時候。你可能會在你的金融故事中開始一段重 大章節,所以留意那些細節。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 30
This may be an especially prosperous time to be traveling for business or pleasure. You may make an unusual connection as your work your way across the globe on your trip. Connections, collaborative projects, and other mutually-beneficial agreements are favored under these skies. With pesky Mercury involved in the mix, be certain to keep an eye on expectations, especially if they appear too good to be true. You may be able to begin a significant chapter in your financial story, so heed the details.
你 將在某種歡愉和冒險的情緒中,但你慣例的正常歡樂恰恰無法滿足你。今天革新的天王星將同步太陽在你的世界圖景宮,意味著你將渴望比宅在家更多的際遇。去博 物館或看個文化展覽吧。登錄BBC或看個公眾廣播秀。或如果你是運動迷,邀請朋友一起去看奧運會。甚至現在一個異國情調的晚宴邀約可能會滿足你的需要。
Horoscope for Sagittarius: 7月 31
You're in the mood for fun and adventure, but your normal pleasure-seeking routines just won't satisfy you. Innovative Uranus will be in sync with the Sun in your worldly sector today, meaning that you'll crave more than staying at home. Hit a museum or cultural exhibit. Log onto BBC or watch a PBS broadcast show. Or if you're a sports fan, invite friends over to watch the Olympics. Even an exotic dinner date might satisfy your needs now.