
回答: 蘇珊米勒 三媽日運 來自iUSMLE米爾2012-07-05 08:56:17



Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 1

Resist the urge to pour your heart out to friends and partners on Tuesday's full moon. You could feel a little frustrated or emotionally disconnected, yet it will be hard for others to understand. By Wednesday, your ruler Mercury will connect with party planets Venus and Uranus, putting you back in the swing of things - enjoy yourself!


你 很快就能自由的走自己的路,這意味著給你最遠大遼闊的願望抱負以最寬廣的平台。不要糾結理由和原因,隨著你的進步你總會把那些弄明白的,那些不僅僅是將事 務本末倒置,而且最重要的是,你所追求的幸福,隻能源於那些為了生活要去做又願意去做的事。這可能始於一些你兼職的事情,或者是業餘的事情,但如果你真的 多加努力,那可能將在秋季變成你所需要與期待的,能夠負擔生計的事業。同時要敢於向他人尋求建議,你身邊有很多朋友都樂於指引給你正確方向。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 2

You will soon be free to make your own way, which means that you should paint on the largest possible canvas when it comes to picturing your greatest ambitions and wildest aspirations. Don't get bogged down with the whys and wherefores. You can always work those out as you go along. Besides that would be like putting the cart before the horse. What's important is that you pursue the happiness that can only be found in doing what you love to do for a living. It may start out as something you do part-time or after hours, but if you really put your shoulder to the wheel it will become the breadwinning venture that you want it to be by the fall. Meanwhile don't be shy about asking people for advice. There are plenty of friends around who will happily steer you in the right direction.


你和戀人之間有望出現一個轉折點,你們的感情關係可能會變得更深刻,但 也有可能是對方會帶來一些個人方麵的壓力或是財務方麵的壓力,如果真是這種狀況,今天發生在你愛情宮位裏的滿月會將事務帶至高潮階段。還有可能的是,不得 不為孩子支付出重要開銷,好在火相將要進入你掌管勞動收入的第二宮,讓你擁有大量追求全新收入來源的動力。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 3

Expect a turning point with your sweetheart. Your relationship possibly will deepen, but it's also possible that this person will cause a certain amount of personal or financial strain. If so, today's full moon in your romance sector will cause things to come to a head. A major expense that has to do with a child also will be possible. Thankfully, Mars will enter your earned income sector, allowing you plenty of stamina to pursue new revenue streams.


今天強調了工作關係,你會發現他們提供給你積極 正麵的回饋,這種有益的見解可能正是你一直期待的綠色通道,現在非常有利於你把精力投入到工作上,因為你可能大受歡迎哦。你也許會有些度假般的社交場合, 比如郊遊或其他休閑類活動,讓你來鞏固一段新的關係,或是以更加放鬆的方式進一步推進你的位置。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 4

Career connections may be highlighted and you may find that they provide positive feedback. This useful insight might be just the green light you have been waiting for. This would be an excellent time to put your energy into your work since you may be very well received there. You might find that a holiday social setting such as a picnic or other casual event allows you to cement a new connection or further advance your position in a much more relaxed manner.



Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 5

It might be harder to be diligent in a work-related project as you may find yourself distracted or unable to concentrate. You may have a difficult time making a decision or executing a plan to complete a vital assignment. Try not to be so hard on yourself, if this is the case. You likely will need a break from all of the mental acrobatics required on the job.


在你與大型組織機構打交道的時候,可能建立起特別的關係,這也許正是你急切追求的資訊來 源,或是來自大公司或政府機關的必要文件。在你獲取層層突破時,你會驚訝於自己的好運,因為你掌握了支持你目標的有用數據。這也許是你剛好運氣不錯,也可 能是你剛好在適宜時機遇到了合適的人。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 6

You may make unique connections while working with large organizations. This may be the type of situation where you are in hot pursuit of information or a necessary piece of documentation from a large corporation or bureaucracy. As you move through the layers you may be surprised by your good fortune as you trip upon useful data that supports your quest. It might be that you just happen upon good luck or you happen to meet the right person at the right time.



Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 7

Today will be a great day to focus attention and possibly restoration on your love life. You and your mate will feel especially connected to each other, which will automatically put both of you in a more positive frame of mind to work on any problem that you might have swept under the rug recently. You most likely will face this matter together with resolve and tolerance.


本周可能你沒獲得某個說好的回報,這也許是技術上的問題,環境發生了意外的 變化,或隻是有人錯誤的承諾了他/她做不到的內容。你會覺得這有損於好聲譽(並且你沒錯),這確實是對你信任的考驗。現在你可以隻簡單的指責這個人,也可 以擴大你的諒解,認為這個人又不是故意的,他非常需要你的這種諒解。當別人失意的時候,站在他們的角度想想,那麽當他們在8月11日回想起來的時候,就會 帶來十倍的回報。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 8

You will see a promised reward yanked from reach this week. This could be the result of a technicality, an unexpected change in circumstances, or the simple fact that someone made the mistake of pledging more than he or she could deliver. You will feel (and you wouldn't be mistaken) that this undermines a superior's credibility, but it's actually a test of your faith. Now you could take the easy way out and put the blame on this person, or you could extend the benefit of the doubt to someone who sorely needs it. Standing by others when they're down will be rewarded tenfold when they're back up on August 11.



Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 9

Get your finances organized, and focus on practical matters. You may get an unexpected check in the mail today, only to have to spend it immediately. Money may seem to go out as fast as it comes in, regardless of how you spend it. This will be a good time to re-examine your pension fund, IRA, or health insurance plan, as you may find you can make changes that will save money.


在研究一項合作賺錢機會可能性 的時候,你的聰明才將給你帶來寶貴的平和心態,很幸運的,你的任何深度研究發掘,都很可能得到清晰的答案。並且你也可以通過為自己信奉的東西捐錢來擴展你 的善心。你也許發現自己給某個組織或慈善團體捐獻的錢是可以減免抵扣稅款的,要向會計谘詢一下這方麵的問題。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 10

Your clever ability to research a potential joint financial opportunity will offer you the kind of peace of mind that's priceless. Luckily, any digging you do will likely come up clean. Also, you're likely to extend your compassionate side by donating money to a cause you believe in. You may find that your contributions for an organization or charity are tax deductible. Be sure to ask your accountant about it.



Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 11

You may experience a fairly active and generally positive day at work. You may be particularly interested in the flow of events at the workplace as a tone of pleasantness and deep satisfaction will reign. This may be a time when projects come to the attention of all the right people. As a result, you may feel especially confident and comfortable with your performance. You likely will deliver early or meet an important milestone.


你的戀人也許會說服你去參加一個新的冒險,盡管你往往在所有事情上都傾向於更保守 的方式,但今天你更有可能接受這個提議,享受一些更加隨心所欲的事務。這可能是邀請你嚐試一項新的體育項目或是其它娛樂活動,更有可能是和智能啟迪有關的 事務,不論是什麽,你都會因為改變而感受到振作,並且非常快樂。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 12

Your sweetheart might convince you to partake in a new adventure. Although you typically prefer a more conservative approach in all things, today you're more likely to accept this offer to enjoy something more spontaneous. It might be an invitation to try a new sport or other recreational activity or it may also have more to do with intellectual stimulation. Whatever this is, you'll feel renewed by the change of pace. And you'll have fun!


今天非常有利於跟進保險理賠項目或是其他與大型 組織機構有關的目標,這種同樣的運勢也支持精神上的追求,所以也要注意那方麵的內容,你也許剛好已經發現了很有吸引力的新方法,你還沒找它,它就出現了。 現在是處理財務問題的高效時間段,特別是與屬於他人的財務有關的,你會收到有關某項投資的熱心提示。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 13

This may be an excellent time to track down insurance claims or other large organizational pursuits. This same theme will apply to spiritual encounters, so be on the lookout for those as well. You may have stumbled upon a new approach that has great appeal for you. You may not have looked for it, but it may arrive. This should be a fruitful time for working with money, especially if it belongs to someone else. You may receive a keen tip on an investment.


因為你的主星水星 正在獅子座,也就是你掌管隱匿的宮位,你近期可能已經感覺到一點不安和陰鬱,但現在是強迫自己走出家門的時候,開始做出改變人生的進步。月亮位於雙子座, 也是你掌管公眾的宮位,投入一些時間和金錢,提升你的職業形象吧。新的發型或精致的衣飾能幫你得到他人的注意,讓你跟上潮流不落伍。

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 14

With ruler Mercury in Leo, your house of seclusion, you may have felt a little insecure and dull lately. But it's time to push yourself out the door and begin making life-changing improvements. The moon will be in Gemini, your public sector. Invest some time and cash into upgrading your professional imagine. A new hairdo or sophisticated wardrobe item can help get you noticed and bring you up to speed.


你 現在距離今年最有利社交的重要新月已經不遠了,所以本周初要努力工作,因為之後你就要接受自己收到的所有好玩邀請了。工作上非常開心有趣,因為周一時,火 星與木星形成了超級和諧的三分相,看起來你要得到一個突出的事業機遇或事業上的成功了,把那天標記出來!同時,如果你一直在考慮加入新的俱樂部,或是考慮 增加你在社會媒體的露臉次數,你可以在7月19日周四的新月之後去做,結果會很棒!

Horoscope for Virgo: 7月 15

You are very close to the most important new moon of the year for socializing, so work hard early in the week, for later, you will want to take advantage of all the intriguing invitations that will come your way. Work will be fun and gratifying, because on Monday, with Mars sending golden beams to Jupiter, you seem to be in line for an outstanding career opportunity or victory. Circle that date! In the meantime, if you have thought about joining a new club or about increasing your presence in social media, you can do so after Thursday's new moon, July 19, with great results.
