
回答: 蘇珊米勒 三媽日運 來自iUSMLE米爾2012-07-05 08:56:17

#蘇珊米勒日運# 6.29#金牛座#:
宇宙或許存在著各種活動,但是當木星與水星一起進入代表家庭的區域還有段時間。 隨著周末的臨近,為什麽不安排計劃與家人和朋友去海灘和後院聚一下呢?不管世界向你投下了什麽都要等到下周,等事情平息下來。夏日的風讓人微醺,所以盡一切享受吧。
The universe may be alive with activity, but it also will be a time when Jupiter aligns with Mercury across your family sector. Since the weekend has arrived, why not set up plans for the beach or a backyard get-together with family and friends? Whatever the world is throwing your way can wait until next week, when things are calmer. The summer winds may be balmy and lush, so enjoy while you can.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 6.30#金牛座#:
If your hopes to achieve a personal goal feel dampened today, don't despair - this might only be a temporary glitch. While it's possible that you'll feel a certain amount of disappointment around your limitations to pursuing this endeavor, this doesn't indicate failure. Instead, view it as a signal to revise your approach. Once you transform your strategy, you may find an even better way to achieve your goal than you originally anticipated.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.1#金牛座#:周二滿月與在摩羯座代表變化的冥王星聯係起來。你感覺自己有必要回答生活中最重要的問題。你的目的、下一步的最佳行動,甚至你應該相信 誰都是需要考慮的問題。火星同一天進入天秤座,說明某人言行不一致的時候,你不會再遲疑,而會與其對峙。本周無外乎去了解事情的真相。
Tuesday's full moon will align with transformative Pluto in Capricorn, your worldly sector. You'll feel the need to answer life's biggest questions. What's your purpose, next best move, or even who you should believe in? Mars will enter Libra the very same day, meaning you won't hesitate to confront someone if they don't walk their talk. This week will be all about getting down to the truth of the matter.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.2#金牛座#:你需要問問自己,撿起欠的每一分錢是否真的抵得上額外累積的代價。數月來爭論上你是贏家,似乎已經鎖定了結算的主要份額。你可能希望適 可而止,一切繼續。但繼續揪住每一分每一厘不放手,隻能產生相反的結果,甚至終將需付出更大的代價。輸不起的人(即當下與你打交道的人)特別討厭,他們有 消極的攻擊傾向時尤甚。如果擺脫這些惡毒的誹謗,你會更快樂,因為眾星將帶來啟示,秋天的時候,你甚至想不起來財務上煩惱在何處。
You will need to ask yourself if collecting every penny that you are owed is truly worth the extra aggravation. You are the winner of a months' long dispute and it appears as if you have already locked in the major share of the settlement. You might want to leave well enough alone and move on? Continuing to birddog every nickel and dime could prove counter-productive and even wind up costing you more in the end. Sore losers (which is what you're dealing with now) can be particularly irksome - especially if they have a passive-aggressive bent. You will be much happier rid of these toxic personalities, and given what the stars portend for you this fall financially, you won't even remember what all of the fuss was about.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.3#金牛座#:假如卷入法律事由中極有可能達成和解。雖然事情得以解決,但是讓步可能超過了原來的預期。記住把這些事情拋在腦後遠比繼續訴訟更有價值。令人欣慰的是,工作上精神氣一路走高。工作用的時間少效率卻高,同事們都驚呆了。
If you're involved in any legal matter, it likely will reach culmination. Although you may settle things, you might need to concede more than you originally anticipated. Remember that putting this behind you likely will be worth more than continuing the litigation. On a brighter note, your stamina at work will begin to pick up speed. You'll achieve more on your work list in less time as co-workers look on in amazement.

# 蘇珊米勒日運# 7.4#金牛座#:在這個值得紀念的日子裏會聽到令人喜悅的承諾,也會與家人熱鬧地聚在一起。你可能感到與這些最親近的人在一起聚會無拘無束。可能偶爾會 從漩渦轉狀的活動中聽到有好的令人驚訝的財務消息。是否意味著新的開始呢?利用這段時間與手足和朋友研究新想法。
This memorable day may bring the promise of excitement and connection with lively family gatherings. You may feel open and engaged with those closest to you as you join together to celebrate. You may stumble upon positive financial news that arrives quite by surprise amidst the swirl of activity. Could this herald a new beginning? Use this time to explore ideas with siblings and friends.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.5#金牛座#:由於近來工作上有創新,獎勵或榮譽向你而來。雖然對於這種光景極為興奮,但與此同時可能感覺得不到後方大本營的支持。與親戚的對話可能很順利,即便談論滿足職業需求的話題,依然能讓你感覺自己是家庭中活躍的一分子。
There might be a career reward or honor coming your way, thanks to your recent work on an innovative project. While you'll be thrilled about this prospect, at the same time, someone on the home front possibly will cause you to feel a lack of support. A conversation with a relative may be in order - discuss getting your professional needs met while continuing to feel as if you're part of your family dynamic.

#蘇珊米 勒日運# 7.6#金牛座#:可能值得去追逐財務計劃。時機正好,最適合結束房地產或其他收入交易。市場的搖擺讓你驚訝,可能會看見一個需要快速反應的機會。你的直 覺時常能起到最好的作用,所以值得花時間留意。假如你感覺到強烈的可能性,在投資之前不妨去尋找別的看法。
Financial plans may be worth pursuing. Timing may be perfect for closing on real estate transactions, for example, or on other income-related deals. You may be surprised at the swing of the markets and see an opportunity that requires quick action. Oftentimes your instincts may be what serves you best, so it may be worth your while to pay them heed. If you feel a strong sense of potential, seek another opinion before you invest.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.7#金牛座#:盡可期待廣播、媒體或互聯網方麵會有出現積極的進展。假如就團體項目想轉變方法,與該項目的參與者的合作可能很容易,進而群策群力達成有關策略的共同意見。另外,可能需要重建對朋友或組織的信心,這些讓你很開心。
Expect a positive development in any broadcasting, media, or Internet matter. If you have the urge to transform your approach to a group project, it likely will be easy to collaborate with whoever is a part of this endeavor and come to a collective understanding about what your strategy should be. In addition, your faith in a friend or an organization may feel renewed, much to your delight.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.8#金牛座#:本周你一直被這樣的情緒包圍,等著結束懸念,所以等到周五的時候終於感覺得到安慰。同事會責怪你造成了一種預言效應,但是你有第六感能 講出來一筆生意可能會壞掉。不幸的是,最難纏的客戶還沒結束呢,另一輪的回合最早在7月31日出現。本周不要在網上購物,最好連電腦也別開。所有的傾向都 說明你不夠仔細,不如待在院子裏坐吊床上讀本最喜愛的小說吧。
You will be haunted by a feeling that the other shoe is about to drop throughout the week, so it will come as a great relief when it finally does on Friday. Co-workers will accuse you of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, but you have a sixth sense for business and can tell when a deal is about to go south. Unfortunately you have not seen the last of this high maintenance client and you can expect another go-round as early as July 31. That said, you will want to avoid online shopping this weekend. Better yet, don't even turn on the computer. All of your point and click tendencies could be increased and you could wind up doing some serious damage to your bank balance if you're not careful. Retreat to your backyard hammock with a favorite novel instead.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.9#金牛座#:雖然本周剛剛開始,但你希望已經過完這一周。月亮即將進入私密宮,與在交流宮的太陽星座出現爭執。你格外渴望獨處,但是鄰居和手足可能 會幹涉你的私人時間。一定要把手機調到語音。明天當守護星金星與水星聯係在一起, 你就想多參加交際了。
Although the week is just beginning, you may wish it already were over. The moon will be in your house of seclusion, at odds to the Sun in your communication sector. You likely will have a strong desire to be left alone, but the demands of neighbors or siblings may intrude on your personal time. Try to limit your availability by letting phone messages go to voicemail. You likely will feel a lot more sociable tomorrow, when ruler Venus connects with Mercury.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.10#金牛座#:雖然你希望與自己的人一起消磨時光,但我們偶爾總需要充電。今天就是這種情況。你可能需要應對很多人在身邊下守住自己的隱私的難題。 假如告訴家人你需要停下來修整,他們很樂意幫忙。你會用一種不至於疏遠的方式表達自己的想法,所以不用擔心,你要的不過是幾個小時的獨處時間。
Although you enjoy time with your clan, every now and then we all need time to recharge. Today, this is likely to be the case. However, you may also need to contend with the challenge of getting privacy with a full house. Luckily, if you simply communicate to your family that you'd like some down time, they'll be happy to oblige. You'll convey your message in a non-alienating way so don't worry, go ahead and request a few hours of solitude!

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.11#金牛座#:今天可與家人商討財務話題,時間很理想。可能你在尋求短期借貸,或者你處於這樣的位置,需要給予家人扶助。根對你來說很重要,你能不斷地提供援助之手。你可能處於一個非常擴張的位置,現在能夠擺脫這種困境。
This may be an ideal time to approach family members about financial topics. It might be that you are looking for a short-term loan or that you are in a position to offer the same to one of your family members. Your roots are important to you, and it may feel very positive to be able to lend a helping hand every now and then. You may be in a particularly expansive position and able to help out right now.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.12#金牛座#:想通過出版、廣告或者其他形式對個人進行宣傳都會很順利。很有可能需要為他人扮演導師的角色,假如你是某個領域的專家,那麽需要把你 知道東西教授於人。可能是一個積極的機會,與此同時家庭事情的解決存在衝突,衝突過後要善加利用,你會做好的。
An opening to broadcast your personal message through the publishing, advertising, or other media will go extraordinarily well. It's possible that you'll be asked to take on a mentorship role for others and to teach what you know if you're an expert in a particular field. While this is likely to be a positive opportunity, at the same time there might be a conflict to settle at home before you can fully take advantage of it. You'll make it work.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.13#金牛座#:
Changes may be on the horizon, and you may already be aware of them. If not, then you may experience a welcome ending or an exciting new beginning. It may be that you have been looking for new work and you will receive notice of a great new potential employer. Health-related issues may appear, so be on the lookout for new opportunities for your daily exercise routine or other health matter. This can be a marvelous time of surprises.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.14#金牛座#:
對自己的本性保持真實,你愛有價值的交易,今天可能會有好交易。 你的守護星金星與木星都在雙子座,月亮即將與金木相會,使得你在對的時間出現在對的地方。不管你的預算多還是少,當好機會出現的時候你會知道的。要想放心 去投資有些冒險。但今天假如你懷疑自己,那麽可能會錯失非常好的交易機會。
True to your sign, you love a good value and today you might find one of the best deals around. The moon will meet up with ruler Venus and lucky Jupiter in Gemini, guiding you to be in the right place at the right time. It doesn't matter how large or small your budget is - you know a good opportunity when you see it. It takes trust to invest in something risky. But if you doubt yourself today, you could miss out on a perfect bargain buy.

#蘇珊米 勒日運# 7.15#金牛座#:本周你需要行動快一些才能抓住新的工作機會,可能會有意想不到的收入。不要晚於周一抓住指派任務,因為周二一個同事可能試圖對你耍計 謀,你會找到一份屬於你的工作。周二新月出現在代表交流的區域,促使你開始新的協作項目。假如你需要做演講或者給人當老師,那就接受這種機會。這種任務如 同鑲嵌於王冠上的寶石一樣珍貴
You'll need to work quickly this week to take advantage of a new job opportunity with incredible earning potential. Act no later than Monday to nab this assignment, as by Tuesday, a colleague might attempt to outmaneuver you and may succeed in landing a job that should have been yours. On Thursday, a new moon in your communication sector might be exactly the push you need to begin a new writing project. If you are asked to give a speech or teach someone, accept. This assignment could turn out to be a jewel in your crown.

# 蘇珊米勒日運# 7.16#金牛座#:極為難得的財務安排機會可能會找到你。值得你去追逐,至少你能看見一些有意思的可能性。可能有些嘻笑成分,但是值得再三思考。假如你 能快速做反應,收集足夠的背景資料,可能會做得非常好。你的消息越靈通,結局也越好。你可能也想舞出自己的節奏。
A unique opportunity may come to you in the form of a financial arrangement. It might be worth pursuing down the road, but at least you can see some interesting potential. This may a sort of tease, but it will have you thinking twice. It may be that if you act quickly enough and gather enough background information, you might do quite well. The better informed you are, the better the results. You might want to step up your pace a bit.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.17#金牛座#:追求新兼職或新工作的能力必將有回報。你可能將得到爭奪的項目,並將得到你所要求的報酬。雖然會帶給你勝利感,但是不能過於高興。你 和同事的意見分歧可能會演化成很不快的爭執,而你們哪一方都不想妥協。謝天謝地這些事情很快就會消散。
Your ability to pursue a new freelance assignment or job will surely pay off. You possibly will get the project you're vying for and also will receive the compensation you ask for. While this will leave you feeling victorious, you might not be able to celebrate for very long. A difference of opinion between you and a co-worker may turn into a nasty argument where neither one of you will want to compromise. Thankfully, it will blow over soon.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.18#金牛座#:今天可能是擺脫舊習慣或者開始新的鍛煉養生的理想時間。你可能終於想改變自己的生活。真心為你感到高興。新的開始最重要的一步莫過於 承認這件事。任何能分配到的資源將被證明是有用的。假如你感覺自己有必要投資新設備或其他輔助設施,你應該痛快地去做。
This may be an ideal time to shrug off an old habit or begin a new exercise regimen. You may have finally come to a point where you may want to make a significant change in your lifestyle. Good for you. Acknowledgement may be the first critical step in a bold new beginning. Any sort of resources you can allocate for this should also prove to be useful. If you feel that you need to invest in new equipment or other aids in your pursuit, you should be heartily supported.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.19#金牛座#:跟交流有關的項目鬧哄哄地讓你很忙亂,由於新月出現在代表信息的區域,你可能開始新的事情。要明白水星在8月8日之前一直逆行,所以 你期待的進展可能會出現拖延。假如跟寫作、合同買賣或任何交流有關的事件,應該放手去做。出現的是拖延和磕絆但不是失敗。
Communications-related projects will buzz for you, and you might begin something new, thanks to a new moon in your message sector. Just remember that Mercury will continue to retrograde until August 8, so you might experience a delay with any progress you hope to make. Still, if an opportunity comes your way with regard to a writing, contract, sales, or other communications-related area, you should pursue it. Expect delays and stumbling blocks but not failure.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.20#金牛座#:此刻如你想簽下財產事由,不妨設法避免。因為你已經厭煩了財務緊張。但是世上沒有容易的事情,今天看上去值得安慰的事情明天可能會造 成昂貴的代價。一直收集意見和研究選擇,在7月31日的緊要關頭你會發現解決辦法,這些不需要任何損失。
You may be at the point where you will want to sign off on a property matter just to be rid of it because you are tired of the financial strain. But there's no such thing as an easy out and what will look like relief today could lead to costly complications tomorrow. Continue to collect opinions and research options. You will find your way out of this tight spot on July 31 and without having to cut your losses.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.21#金牛座#:今天可能很忙碌,因為你感覺有義務參與公共集會。不管出席婚禮、小孩受洗還是訂婚活動,這些活動並不會讓你非常興奮。但你依然要出 席,假如把他人的需求放在你的需求之前,將感受這些活動的樂趣。試著通過接受事實了解事情的精髓,每一次慶祝都是永久銘記的裏程碑。
This might be a busy day when you will feel obligated to attend social functions. Whether a wedding, baby shower or engagement party, you may feel less than thrilled about attending. Still, you could end up enjoying yourself, if you put others' needs ahead of your own. Try to get in the spirit of things by embracing the fact that celebrations are milestones to remember forever.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.22#金牛座#:這一周將以家中的狂亂活動為中心。從周日開始你可能忙於應付在家工作的項目。這個項目可能之前就已開始,但是之後一段時間被束之高 閣。現在你想完成這個項目,因為你有足夠的動力想把工作做完。周二你可能與家人一起商討修正財源的方法。
Expect a week filled with positive vibes that center around hectic activity on the home front. For starters, on Sunday you'll likely be quite busy finishing up a work-at-home project that you may have started once before only to put on the shelf for a later time. You'll want to complete this endeavor now for you'll have plenty of motivation to get the job done! Also, on Tuesday you might discuss ways to revise finances with your family.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.23#金牛座#:家中可能會突然冒出驚喜的消息。可能會從一個手足那兒聽到新消息,或者你的房子終於從市場上賣出去了。這股能量會帶來不曾期待的消息,所以請留意。因為水星逆行,消息可能不正確或者比較模糊。
Surprises may crop up throughout your home and family. You might hear of a new arrival from one of your siblings, or maybe your house will finally sell after having been on the market for a while. This type of energy usually brings about unexpected news so be on the lookout. Since this particular alignment includes the planet Mercury in retrograde, information may be inaccurate or unclear.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.24#金牛座#:今天是家庭優先的日子,所以出門之前不妨檢查一下。你可能花了太多的時間與家庭成員共享想法,他們會做改變讓你感覺在家更舒服。守護 星金星在富有魅力的雙子座,現在你可能很輕易勸說別人嚐試任何事情。今天無外乎對所愛的人負責,把時間留給他們。
It will be a family-first type of day, so check in with your loved ones before you jet out the door. You might spend much of the day sharing plans with family members and some of them will be about creating changes that make you more comfortable at home. With ruler Venus in charming Gemini, you might easily persuade anyone into trying anything now. Today will be all about being accountable and available to loved ones.

#蘇珊米勒日 運# 7.25#金牛座#:假如任何非常規的想法盤旋於腦中,今天是讓親友知曉的理想時間。你可能會從這個計劃上得到巨大的扶持,家人可能會是你的最佳啦啦隊隊 長,也是有利的共鳴板,能幫助你重新改善想法。你很可能樂於與家人做不同尋常的事情,這麽做讓你格外的滿足。
If any unconventional ideas have been swirling around your mind, today will be an ideal time to run them past a relative. You'll likely receive extraordinary support when it comes to this plan, and someone from your family may prove to be your greatest cheerleader as well as a positive sounding board that will help you to refine this idea. You'll also possibly enjoy doing something nontraditional with a family member that you find especially gratifying.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.26#金牛座#:你有願望也有能力實現自己的目標。宇宙會給予你一個好機會,按照今天下午或者晚些時候的計劃行事。利用早些時間把你的計劃排出輕重緩 急。眾星暗示著舊項目需要完結,這樣新機會才會向你開啟。今天在家中或附近進行慶祝將會加深與家人和朋友的聯係。
You have the desire and power to realize your goals. The universe will offer you a good opportunity to act on those plans for a few hours in mid and late afternoon today. Take advantage of earlier hours to refine and prioritize your plans. The stars suggest that you will need to finalize an old project before new opportunities open up to you. A major celebration at or near your home tonight will strengthen your bonds with family and friends.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.27#金牛座#:當家庭聚會和主題節日在你最安全的領域上演,家庭生活中這些事情令人愉悅。與朋友或愛人談話會比過去更容易,懸而不決的感覺可能會停 留,令人驚訝的通知即將出現。或許你已經準備好在法律上承擔新角色。你的觀點些許有些變化,可能會引發一些鮮活的話題。假如能讓這些話題稍微緩緩,你的表 現會更好。
A pleasing alignment may occur in your home life as family gatherings and a festive theme stirs the air in your most secure arenas. Conversations with friends and loved ones will come easier than they may have in the past and a spirit of suspense may linger, as a surprise announcement could be forthcoming. Maybe you are about to take on a new role as an in-law. Your views may be shifting slightly, which may bring up topics that animate the talk. If you can let the issues wait, you'll do better.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.28#金牛座#:今天消息會曝光,可能使已在進行中的計劃流產。增加了額外的損失,隱藏的條件可能之前不知道,或者一種不知曉的可變情況加入到這種混 亂中。這些無疑會使進程偏離方向,可是你想讓事情暫停,這樣才能深入調查。拖延總是讓人很惱火,但是安全總比花了冤枉錢再說遺憾強。
Information will come to light today that could toss a monkey wrench into plans already underway. This pertains to added costs, hidden conditions you didn't know about before, or an unknown variable being introduced into the mix. There's nothing saying that this will derail progress, but it could - which is why you will want to bring things to a halt until you can investigate further. Delays are always annoying, but it's better to be safe than sorry when you're putting out this kind of money.

# 蘇珊米勒日運# 7.29#金牛座#:家中可能充斥著各種欣喜。本周初,你一直努力的一項幕後創新項目可能會出來。周二,會討論新任務或討論跟項目有關的消息,決定在即。 報酬很不錯。8月1日滿月以及之後四天,有利的證據表明你的職業開始走強,主要角色正在與你商討。周末勝利在你手中。
Your home may become infused with plenty of excitement. Early in the week, an innovative, behind-the-scenes domestic project you have worked on will likely be ready for its great reveal. On Tuesday, news about a new assignment or other work project will be discussed - a decision is near. The compensation will be generous. By the August 1 full moon, and in the four days to follow, you will have positive proof that your career is going great guns, and that a major role is being discussed with you. By week's end, the victory may be won and in your hands.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.30#金牛座#:你可能打包搬入新住址,也可能露營在外的時間超過了疫情,改變的想法吸引著你。即便無法過於更改常規,當新的開始感覺對味的時候,你會有一些自由感。可能會有些懷舊,但是新起點讓你克服掉這種感覺。
You may be packing up and moving on to a new residence. You may have been camping out at home a little longer than you envisioned and the urge to change has gripped you. Even if you don't change too much in your daily routine, you may feel a sense of freedom as a new beginning seems to just feel right. You may feel a touch of nostalgia, but the prospect of a fresh start may overpower those feelings.

#蘇珊米勒日運# 7.31#金牛座#:今天與同事的交往會很輕鬆,也會有成就感。你可能找到了應對之前項目的新方法。抄近路、掙錢有了途徑,甚至會引出創造性的想法。對於如何改善個人生活甚至突然靈感一閃出現新見解。
You'll enjoy an easy rapport with co-workers today and will be able to accomplish much. You may find a new approach to a particular project on which you have been focused. There might be ways to cut corners, make money, or even bring a new creative spin to it. You might also gain sudden insight about how to improve your personal life.
