
回答: 蘇珊米勒 三媽日運 來自iUSMLE米爾2012-07-05 08:56:17

Horoscope for Aries: 6月 28

An emotionally charged power struggle might surface in your family. Whatever this is about, you can be sure that everyone involved will feel hypersensitive and somewhat vulnerable. This frame of mind will likely lead to you or your relative exhibiting a strong urge to overcompensate by taking command of the situation and everyone involved. That approach will only make things touchier, so if you're the one feeling the need to control this situation, you may want to reconsider.

Horoscope for Aries: 6月 29

The electricity in the air may be tangible and very intense in certain major areas of your life, but you also will have warm and wonderful support in the communication and creative sectors of your life. These may be the ones to focus on as the day unfolds. The promise of fun always will linger in the air. If you can find a way to postpone a delicate conversation until next week, do so.

Horoscope for Aries: 6月 30

You might not see one of your mentors clearly since it's possible that you have placed him or her on a pedestal. While it's likely that this person is upstanding and has a positive ideology, at the same time you may admire him or her so much that you refuse to see a more human side, which includes the potential for flaws and the occasional mistake. This tendency may set you up for future disappointment.

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 1

On Tuesday the full moon will be with powerful Pluto in your public sector. You'll need to be on your best behavior because you'll be prone to extreme highs and lows, which could create unnecessary drama with higher ups. Ruler Mars will enter Libra on the very same day, suggesting you talk things over with someone you trust. The rest of the week should be a breeze.

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 2

It will be hard for you to get a bead on what you will want today because your planetary ruler, Mars, will be in the process of changing from one zodiac sign to the next. This will make you nervous and fidgety - particularly in the late afternoon. The best way to deal with this uptick in restlessness will be to add another mile to your run or put in some extra time at the gym. Physical exertion, rather than relaxation, is the key to working with Mars energy. What will also help is knowing that nobody can do anything right by you today. This allows you to mentally take everyone off the hook (including yourself) and to adopt a live and let live attitude. Rest assured that you will feel better balanced tomorrow when Mars enters the zodiac sign of Libra.
今天你不知道自己 到底想要什麽,因為你的守護星火星即將變換星座。這讓你焦躁不安 – 尤其是下午時候。對付焦躁的最好方法是跑步時多跑一公裏或者多花些時間健身。體育鍛煉,相比放鬆來說,是使用火星能量的關鍵。同樣對你有幫助的是知道今天 沒有人會對你不公。這讓你不想刁難任何人(包括你自己)並采取和平共處的態度。等明天火星進入天秤座了,一定要好好休息,你心裏會更加平衡。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 3

A professional honor or reward may arrive, thanks to a full moon in your career sector. If you receive any accolades, however, they might also come with a fair share of new responsibility, thanks to increased authority in your industry. You certainly will be up for the challenge. In addition, Mars will enter your relationship sector for the first time in nearly two years, offering plenty of motivation to pursue what you want in partnership matters.

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 4

A creative burst of words and expression may tempt you as the fireworks of the day bring images of color and light to your palette. Seldom has the spoken word held so much promise as you may try to find ways to communicate your deepest thoughts. This would be an excellent time to find the proper outlet for your feelings. Letters, emails, articles or just simple pleasing conversations with friends and neighbors may feel right. You may feel the surge of the day and you may be eager to show your enthusiasm.
文字表達方麵的創意井噴會吸引你,因為今天的激情會給你的調色板增添夢幻般的色彩與光芒。難得話語中包含著那麽 多承諾,因為你會設法傳達你內心最深處的想法。此時特別容易找到合適的情感發泄方式。信件、電郵、文章或者隻是和朋友、鄰居的快樂聊幾句都會讓你感覺不 錯。你會感受到這一天的奔騰,你會渴望展示你的熱情。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 5

You'll have a strong intellectual connection with your sweetheart, and you likely will enjoy a creative and stimulating conversation - something you'll certainly treasure. There might be some trouble, however, if you feel emotionally pulled by a friend. This pal possibly will need your support and if so, you might feel pulled between enjoying the day with your mate and being there for a friend. In the end, you'll do what's right.
你會和你的愛人產生強烈的心理交流,而且你們的對話會充滿創意和刺激 – 絕對會讓你珍惜。但是,如果你被某位朋友左右情緒,可能會有一些麻煩。該友人可能會需要你的支持,這樣的話,你會覺得在與愛人享受生活和為朋友兩肋插刀之間扯來扯去。最終,你會做出正確的選擇。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 6

This may be an especially potent time for speaking your mind. A creative flourish may be forthcoming as Venus will alight in your communication sector. This type of alignment may deliver a shower of clever phrases and heartfelt emotions of the kindest order. This may position you in the eyes of others as a true original with great depth and harmonious power. You might even surprise yourself as words of affection and good will seem to flow through you. This would be an excellent time for leaving a good impression.
現在你的想法特別有說服力。創意的興旺期即將來臨,因為金星落在你的交流宮。這種落位會發 表一大串機智的話和真摯感情流露的親切囑咐。這會讓你在他人眼中成為真正有獨創性的人,擁有非常深奧而和諧的力量。你甚至會讓自己感到意外,因為你洋溢著 善意,話語有感染力。此時你會給人留下特別深刻的印象。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 7

Recognize the power you have to make a significant career stride by working quietly on a project. Your ability to uncover important details through research likely will be incredibly strong today, so be sure to use it to your best advantage. You will focus with extra precision in order to move forward successfully on an assignment and as a result, higher-ups will notice.

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 8

Life always gets crazed in the days before Mercury turns retrograde (Mercury will turn retrograde on Saturday), and Uranus also turning retrograde in your sign on Thursday will surely add to stress levels. However you can get through this week with sanity intact by being proactive. If you feel like a prospective client is still on the fence this Monday, then reschedule your meeting for next week. You will have a better chance of winning him over. If you're close to finalizing an agreement, do it by Wednesday. If not, try again in August. Meanwhile Friday will be volatile, so avoid people you know will work your last nerve. The joys of the weekend will also be short-lived as you will have to referee a family quarrel. You won't solve it, but you will be able to broker a temporary truce.
水逆之前,生活往往會變得瘋狂(水星將在周六逆行),而且周二時天王星也會在白羊座逆行,肯定會增添壓力。但 是,積極的你可以毫發無傷地度過本周。如果周一你覺得某位潛在客戶依然保持著中立態度,那下周再安排見麵吧。你將會有更好的機會說服他。如果你馬上要達成 最後協議了,那就周三簽約好了。如果不行的話,等八月份再努力試試吧。同時,這個周五不太平,所以最好回避那些會讓你發火的人。周末的歡樂也很短暫,因為 你必須調停家庭內部爭吵。你無法解決矛盾,但你可以讓爭吵暫停。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 9

The moon will be in Aries today, providing insight, direction and drive. While you'll want to take action and make changes, you could run into resistance if you push too hard. Others may not be as open to your plans. They could throw up some roadblocks, especially regarding home and family matters. Don't rush or set ultimatums now. Allow some time for others to warm up to your suggestions before asking them to decide.
今 天月亮會在白羊座,給你洞察力、方向和動力。當你想采取行動並做出改變時,如果你推行太用勁反而會遇到阻力。其他人可不一定會開明地接受你的計劃。他們會 扔出一些絆腳石,特別是當你的計劃跟家庭和房屋有關時。此時不要莽撞或下最後通牒。在要求他們做決定之前,給他們時間來接受你的建議。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 10

You'll be a communication spitfire - especially as it relates to crafting an idea on a creative project that requires pioneering use of your imaginative talents. Thankfully, your words will likely encourage other people to exude as much zeal as you will when it comes to this endeavor rather than intimidate them. Still, you'll have a strong and dynamic ability to convey any message today, so be aware of your potency.
你在交流時性急 – 特別是在某個創意且需要開創性使用你的想象天賦的項目中精心實現某個想法時。慶幸的是,用這份努力而不是脅迫他們,你的話語會鼓勵其他人散發出像你一樣火熱的熱情來。今天,你依然有強大而高效的能力去傳達消息,所以要意識到你的潛力。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 11

If you are feeling talkative, you might as well open up and let the words out. You may feel quite eloquent. It would be a terrific time to write to people you care about. You might choose to write an email to a group of friends announcing a gathering. This may be one of the best times for expressing yourself through words. Find the right angle and say the right thing; it may leave quite a lasting impression on others.

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 12

An authority figure connected to your profession may notice one of your talents and offer you an opportunity to begin using it in a way to help enhance your earning power. He or she will be impressed with your capacity to work with unwavering determination in order to complete a goal. Because of this, you can expect a high level of respect from this VIP. Enjoy the career boost!

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 13

You may witness or be part of interesting and unexpected encounters. It might be due to a misunderstanding, or you might discover something incredibly revealing about your partner. Your ruling planet, Mars, will oppose Uranus. This type of alignment typically brews up surprises and innovative breakthroughs. If you have plans in place, they may change, so simply be prepared to be surprised. You usually do well under such circumstances.

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 14

Expect a fast paced day. The moon will enter Gemini, sending a flurry of communication your way. You may hear exciting news from or about a relative or a friend. But with Mars at odds to freedom-loving Uranus in your sign, you may choose to dodge those who try to push for a commitment you're not ready for. There are a lot of reasons why you're right and they're wrong, but you won't win playing the blame game. So stick to your guns and take time to think things over.
飛快的一天。月亮將進入雙子 座,讓你交流良多。你會從親戚或朋友那裏聽到興奮的消息,或是聽到關於他們的消息。但火星和落在白羊座熱愛自由的天王星爭執不一,你會選擇避開一些人,他 們想方設法逼你做出無法恪守的承諾。為什麽你是對的而他們是錯的是有很多原因的,但你無法在這場推卸責任的遊戲中獲勝。所以堅持到底,花點時間把一切都考 慮好吧。

Horoscope for Aries: 7月 15

Early in the week, you'll have incredible energy to forge an alliance and brainstorm with a partner. Ideas will fly between the two of you, and you will find it easier than usual to agree on an upcoming plan or decision. On Tuesday, however, a slight power struggle may erupt, so don't rush to finalize anything related to communications just yet. The new moon on July 19 will bring positive domestic news. It is due to be one of the best new moons of the year.
本周一開始,你會有強大的力量去締結同盟,與對方一起頭腦風暴。你們會快速交流想法,而且你會覺得比以往更 容易達成要實施的計劃或決定。但是在周二,一場輕微的權力鬥爭可能會爆發,所以不要操之過急,還沒溝通就定案。7月19日的新月會帶來積極的家庭消息。這 應該是今年最好的新月之一了。


回複:“白羊”專貼(更新至2012.7.15) -iUSMLE- 給 iUSMLE 發送悄悄話 (72 bytes) () 07/05/2012 postreply 09:00:52

不好意思,原帖有點刷屏了也有重複,所以重發一下 -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/05/2012 postreply 09:07:54

非常感謝! -iUSMLE- 給 iUSMLE 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/05/2012 postreply 09:08:57

謝謝你~ -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/05/2012 postreply 09:08:08
