
來源: 米爾 2012-02-02 16:57:31 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (11022 bytes)
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回答: 蘇珊米勒2012年2月運勢米爾2012-02-02 16:55:13

無可否認的是當求勝而活力的火星逆行時,很難在全新的領域取得進步,但你可以回溯到當前的項目並想法把它們做得更好。你也可以從過去的社團中鍛造成功或從過去的客戶那裏得到更多的生意。火星是你的守護行星 - 你的“統治者” - 所以相對其他行星,他的一舉一動對你有更大的重要性和影響力。

火星現在在處女座,所以你會被要求非常注意細節。依你命盤中的其他行星而定,你是否會善於致力於微小細節 - 你會知道是否你會被這種細節工作刺激到或不惜任何代價去逃避。如果你不善於處理細節,而且你是個體戶,你總是可以雇人來幫你。如果你為別人工作而且需要幫助,你可以向同事尋求幫助,或者交換你善於處理而你的同事不善於的工作,假設你的老板允許員工有這種交易。

隨著火星逆行的還有土星,土星逆行會在2月7日開始。土星守護你代表聲望和成就的第10宮,所以你需要花時間找新的工作,直到土星在6月25日調整它的速度。顯著地,在1個星期後的7月3日,1次充滿能量的滿月會使你的榮譽與獎勵之宮活躍起來。這告訴我,你會進行新工作的麵談,但在7月初之前都看不到進展。這個時間看上去很完美,因為那時火星會處於巔峰狀態,而難題中的重要要素金星也是,因為金星掌管你的金錢。從各方麵來說,你想在7月初準備接受一份新工作,但不想在那之前接受。在此期間,你會有大量的回報豐厚的短期項目,足以支持你等到最大的那個出現。盡管如此,也有例外 - 你在2月份有幾天會進行工作麵談。


其次,2月24日,星期五,屆時月亮會在白羊座,而太陽會和木星形成完美相位,木星是偉大的好運之星,目前在你的收入宮。太陽將在你的友誼宮,所以此時對你非常有幫助的高層次朋友可能是某個你認為是朋友的人或親密同僚。這會是非常給力的一天。如果你有創意要展示,你會做得很棒 - 而且可能會輕鬆獲得經費,如果不是馬上,那稍後就會。你會再次擁有寶貴的一天用於工作麵談。


本月,出生在白羊後期的人會感受到土星對衝太陽的壓力。這不是什麽新鮮事 - 你已經與土星搏鬥有一陣子了,所以這會是更多同樣的事情。你不需要擔心事情會變得更加困難 - 你現在已經在和達斯·維德(譯者注:電影《星球大戰》中的黑武士)打拳擊了。


2月21日的新月將幫你短時間地抽身和思考你需要什麽才能開心以及什麽能稍微映現出下一步的行動。百年以來頭一次,海王星將完成他不朽的一躍,進入雙魚座。自從上次1847年到1862年以後,海王都沒有在雙魚座待過,所以這是全新且非常鼓舞人心的影響。這正是你點亮頭腦中新鮮靈感的波動所需要的 - 太令人興奮了!你會準備集中精力於一個珍貴的創造性項目,因為你擁有你希望創造的成功所要求的全部才能。

你需要從你正做的所有工作上轉移一下注意力 - 一點愛與樂趣 - 而在2月7日前後4天,獅子座3度的滿月一定會給你這些。這會是非常浪漫的時刻,今年唯一一次真愛宮的滿月,而且金星還在白羊座裏,你將處於一個可以平靜下來並讓金星使你更加有吸引力的好狀態中。


2月9日是非常特殊的一天,屆時白羊座裏的金星和天王星將形成合相。多麽閃耀的一天啊!今天去見某人會讓你非常興奮!這是贏得喝彩的一天,如果你出生於白羊早期,3月22日前後,你會得到雙份的快樂。(如果你有行星在火相星座 - 白羊,獅子,射手 - 或風相星座 - 雙子,天秤或水瓶 - 2度左右,你也會的。)我為你愛這一天!事實上,你甚至會收到漂亮的禮物。

情人節把月亮帶到了火相星座射手座,對你來說完美極了!本周水星扮演了關鍵角色,因為水星將和土星形成完美相位 - 對做出經得起時間考驗的長遠承諾來說很完美 - 而且木星,給你能力和決心做出開心而樂觀的未來計劃。如果對話交流是真愛的基礎,水星將是你們今晚的守護天使,並把你們的關係帶上全新的高度。善於交際並富於浪漫,你是受人疼愛的,親愛的白羊,而且你一定會從你周圍的人那裏知道這一點。如果你沒有愛人或配偶,無論如何都要出去逛逛。有很多人和你一樣,而你永遠不知道,這一晚如此助興,你會遇到某個特別的人。



最浪漫的消息是金星會在2月8日到3月5日期間在白羊座裏旅行。金星擁有讓你成為一塊愛情磁鐵的力量。充分利用你極為誘人的魅力,善待自己,妝扮新的形象。向你信任的設計師請教發型和化妝,挑選一到兩件新行頭。這樣做會給你一次提升和一種有魅力的自信。然後放鬆一下 - 你不需要做太多事情為了看看你會變得多麽受歡迎。

On February 9, when Venus aligns with Uranus, you'll have the best night of the month for meeting an intriguing love interest that you'll likely decide you'd like to know better.

Valentine's Day, February 14, brings the moon to Sagittarius, a perfect placement for you. With Mercury nearing a lovely signal to Jupiter, your rapport with your partner (or with someone new) will be unusually bubbly. By all means, plan to go out on this evening, whether you have someone to love or not. Chances are, nothing will happen if you stay home, but something special might happen if you go out and about.

In your career, you may have to have patience as things slow down a bit from now from through June. Saturn will go retrograde from February 7 to June 25, causing you to experience a number of temporary career delays and obstacles. You may need to redo a project, or you may change your mind about your career course and go through a period of reassessment. You will have the time to get things right. Rather than dread this phase, welcome it as a chance to go back and correct things so that you can be sure you are on course. The new moon of July 3, 2012 will come brimming with career opportunity, so you can expect a reward if you keep your motivation high now, in coming weeks.

If you need to choose a wonder-day to interview for a top job this month, you will have several. First, February 16-17: Both will be days when you will have a superb opportunity to make a great impression. There will be three more days. Choose February 24, 27, or 28 to meet with a VIP to explore possibilities in your present or different firm - with first Jupiter and later, Pluto, both working with the Sun, so you are likely to present a strong case, and money deals should go your way.

If you need to discuss money, then February 24, 25, or 29 are your days, for on those days, your financial outlook will be excellent. Use one of these superb days to negotiate a salary or project fee, or to sign a profitable contract. Jupiter, giver of financial benefits, in your income house, will bring you outstanding favor with clients and bosses alike. If you are in a creative field, you may want to present an idea to a client or department head on one of these days too - approvals should arrive easily. The moon will be in Aries on these days too, adding extra favor. There are two solid runner-up dates for happy financial results too - circle February 15 or 16, an especially fine time to shake hands or sign a contract.

The new moon of February 21 will herald a period of quiet reflection. If you want to take a vacation, make it a restful one, not one that would require frantic sightseeing. What you will need most by the time you arrive at February's end will be open, unscheduled time to think, pursue creative ideas, and to muse about your options and possibilities for the months ahead. Neptune is heading to Pisces for the first time since 1847 to 1862, and will stay in Pisces over the coming fourteen years. This magical planet will stir your imagination and help to stimulate your imagination in ways you've never seen.

With the new moon of February 21 so close to Neptune, you may be working on a creative project at this time. The area of your chart that will glow by this time is associated with work done in solitude, behind closed doors. It would be a fantastic time to experiment and see what develops. It does not matter which you focus on - the visual arts, dance, composing or playing music, journaling, writing poetry, working in the culinary arts - any form of artistic expression would be perfect for you to be doing. You may be amazed at what you are capable of turning out.

Dates to Note:

Venus enters Aries February 8 to March 5, a great time for beauty treatments.

February 9: Venus will combine energy with surprise-a-minute Uranus, making it a sparkling time for meeting someone new, out of the blue.

The full moon in Leo on February 7 will be highly romantic for finding, and enjoying, love.

Saturn will go retrograde on February 7 to June 25, putting career progress on temporary hold. If you have an offer, agree to it as early in February as possible.

February 15 and 16 would be fine days to sign a contract, when Mercury and Jupiter trade signals. Money news should be good news!

An even better day for sensational financial developments will be February 24-25. Your creative ideas will garner applause on these days too.

The fine new moon of February 21 will bring on a need for rest and reflection. It's a superb time to indulge your creative side.

Best days for romance: February 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16, 24, 25, and 28.


白羊全 -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (8300 bytes) () 02/03/2012 postreply 07:47:17



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