11月25日 射手超級新月許願指南

來源: 米爾 2011-11-15 07:07:40 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (6356 bytes)

來自: 老賊黑桃J

新月11/25 下午2:09 射手宮 北京時間 日蝕 下午2:20


月空 27日上午8:05-11:04

27日上午11:04- 下午2:09


* 我尋找真理——知識來源於宗教、祈禱和高靈指導,坦率、真誠和直接地進行交流。
* 我與自然萬物相聯結——包括與自然、直覺、平和的心的聯結。
* 我探索新的領域——各種形式的自發行為,冒險、積極期望、探險和國外旅行
* 我是樂觀主義者——我相信人性本善,友好、好運、慷慨的精神和勇氣。
* 我尋求知識——象征著高等教育,包括學院、大學、哲學,尋求答案和解決之道。


* 我衝動。粗心大意導致問題——抄捷徑、自以為是、假設推斷、借口、奢侈、交流遲緩、盲目樂觀。
* 與射手宮有關的身體部位為臀部、肝、坐骨神經、大腿,有望恢複健康。
* 我放縱。察覺到這點並行動起來,克服過度行為——飲食、煙酒、花銷等。讓你為之瘋狂的是什麽呢?
* 法律事件——律師、訴訟、倫理、道德、良心和法院訴訟。

* 與臀部、大腿、小腿相關的願望,是最佳的。
* 與獲取更大自由、增強精神、提升身份和精神目標相關的願望
* 與進行海外或遠途旅行、高等教育、擴大影響圈、出版和寫作相關的,以及姻親方麵的願望


* 我要讓雜念消散。
* 我要養成質疑自己的習慣。
* 我要從自我挫敗的模式中走出來。
* 我與冒險相擁。
* 我聽從並信任我內在的聲音。


Om Namo Narayana 歐姆 哪姆歐 納茹亞納




Janyete 譯作◎日蝕,月蝕許願相關 莫莉

Sarah譯作◎Jan 善用新月的能量去改變並激活你的生活


Janyete譯作◎新月如何許願 凱瑟琳


Sagittarius Rules:

Freedom including: Travel, Adventure, Positive Expectations
Truth including: Beliefs, Higher Guidance, Honesty
The Law including: Morality, Conscience, Ethics
Optimism including: Faith, Generosity, Friendliness
Higher Knowledge/Education: including: Philosophy, Mentors, Colleges & Universities
Carelessness including: Excesses, Extravagance, Self-Righteousness
Restoring Health including: Hips, Thighs, Liver, Sciatica

Sample Wishes to Inspire Freedom:

* “I love taking trips filled with adventure and fun activities.”
* “I easily see the positive in others and in every situation.”
* “I love the freedom to think the thoughts that cultivate the experiences I live in my life.”

Sample Wishes to Promote Personal Clarity and Truth:

* “I easily tune-in to the Source energy non-physical part of me and align my thoughts to only those things that feel true to me.”
* “I have an emotional guidance system that gives me feedback on what feels good and what does not.”
* “I easily find myself quieting my mind by meditating a minimum of ___ days a week, for ____ minutes each time.”

Sample Wishes to Encourage Positive Relationship with the Law:

* “I easily find myself acting with integrity on the prompting of my inner being.”
* “I easily obey the goodness of my conscience and feel peace in my mind and spirit.”
* “I allow clarity in court proceedings with _______ which actively creates positive outcome for all concerned."

Sample Wishes to Evoke Optimism:

* “I trust that there is a positive way out of any adverse situation.”
* “I easily find myself receiving everything I ask with eagerness and enthusiasm.”
* “I have faith that a positive Higher Power assists in every aspect of my life.”

Sample Wishes to Enhance Higher Knowledge:

* “I easily uplift my spirit when I choose thoughts that feel good.”
* “I consciously align my vibrational aptitude which activates my point of attraction.”
* “I easily connect with the broader part of me for solutions to _________ in a clear and sensible way.”

Sample Wishes to Eliminate Carelessness:

* “I release all self-sabotaging carelessness in the area of ________ (joy/money/partner etc.)”
* “I let go of the tendency to overwork that can result in making mistakes.”
*“I easily focus on everything that is right in my life rather than trying to fix what is wrong.”

Sample Wishes to Maximize Great Health in Areas of the Body ruled by Sagittarius:

* “I appreciate my healthy __________ (body area ruled by Sagittarius)”
* “I easily attract the right healer to help me restore my _________ back to perfect health.”
* “Thank you for my healing in my _________ all my cells are happy and well.”



很多新月相關知識 -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 07:08:37

那天正好特別忙,希望不會忘掉。。。 -天兒晴了- 給 天兒晴了 發送悄悄話 天兒晴了 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 15:15:03

那之前兩天會再貼星譯社的 -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 19:44:20

就這意思,沒好意思直說,嘿嘿 -天兒晴了- 給 天兒晴了 發送悄悄話 天兒晴了 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/16/2011 postreply 18:53:48

謝謝!再攢上兩張就滿一打了,要能換積分多好!厚厚~~ -musicstore- 給 musicstore 發送悄悄話 musicstore 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 17:04:13

想起一個笑話~ -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (114 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 19:47:03

“與臀部、大腿、小腿相關的願望”- 我可以許願這幾個部位多掉幾磅肉肉嗎?^_^ -還是不知道- 給 還是不知道 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 18:19:40

估計是勻稱健康的雙腿一類吧,嘿嘿嘿 -米爾- 給 米爾 發送悄悄話 米爾 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 19:45:22

可以許願長高:) -astermatch- 給 astermatch 發送悄悄話 astermatch 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2011 postreply 19:54:03



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