
來源: 孫老師 2011-01-10 00:57:28 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2377 bytes)
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Chairman Hu’s 2011 fortune

Chairman Hu is born on the day of earth monkey, in the month of water rat, and in the year of water horse. This is an incredible birthday chart which depicts a supreme leadership as well as an auspicious star to orchestra a fantastic economic wealth in China.

In 2011, Hu would focus on domestic agenda and avoid further conflict with United States on trade/currency issue as well as other topics such as the tension on Korea peninsula. In 2011 Feng Shui chart, the calamity star will attack the East bringing China with earthquake, flooding, air disaster, and other mishaps. Hence there is a hidden risk undermining Hu’s leadership, Hu must exercise more flexibility and creativity in the months of June, July, October, and November.

Hu will experience a setback in January meeting with president Obama. Months of April, May, August, September, and December are good luck periods for Hu to resolve all issues. On the light side, the rabbit will bring Hu’s family a very happy event possibly a new grandchild.





2011年,胡主席將重點放在國內議程,並與美國在貿易/貨幣問題以及作為對朝鮮半島緊張局勢的其他此類話題,避免進一步的衝突。2011年風水圖,災難星將抵達東方, 帶給中國 地震,水災,空難,和其他意外事故。因此會有一個隱藏的風險破壞胡的領導,胡主席必須在六月,七月,十月,和十一月行使更多的靈活性和創造力。

胡主席在一月份與奧巴馬總統的會晤將麵臨挫折。但隻要在四月,五月,八月, 九月和十二月 , 非常好運的月,妥善應對就能解決所有問題。在輕鬆愉快的一麵,兔子會帶來胡主席的家庭很幸福事件,可能是一個新的孫子。


  • 解析總統奧巴馬 2011年 流年運程
  • 看看你運氣如何? 解析2011年運勢
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